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“Guess we got here just in time,” he says with a laugh.


I stare at the menu board and try to decide what I want while the woman at the counter waits patiently for us to order.

“Um, I’d like the deluxe grilled cheese with extra cheese, a chocolate brownie, and an extra-large coffee.”

“BLT on whole wheat, a glazed donut, and a bottle of water,” Eli tells her.

“Just a heads up, we close in 25 minutes,” the woman says as she processes the order.

Eli taps his credit card on the machine, then we head over to an empty table to wait.

He makes a face as his phone buzzes, and pulls it out of his pocket. “Fuck,” he mutters, glancing down at the screen.


“Who else?” He turns off the phone and slides it back into his pocket. “Twenty-seven times, now.”

“You can’t keep ignoring her. It’s not going to make her go away.”

“What am I supposed to do to make her stop? I told her I don’t have time for a girlfriend. What’s left?”

I shrug. “Beats me. When she gets something in her head...”

“Are you going to her Halloween party?” he asks.

“Yeah, probably.” I lean back in my chair and cross my arms. “I don’t have any other plans, and I love Halloween. Beckett’s been bugging me to do something, so I think I’ll ask him to come with me.”

Eli makes a face. “You’re still seeing that loser?”

“He’s not a loser, and I’m not seeing him. I told him I just want to be friends.”

“Yeah? How’s that working out? I’m sure he wants to be more than just your friend.”

The woman behind the counter brings over our food, mercifully interrupting our conversation, and my jaw drops when I see the size of the sandwiches.

“One of the reasons I love this place. Great big portions,” Eli says. “And the food is really good.”

I reach for my coffee and add cream and sugar, eager for my late-afternoon caffeine fix.

“You’re going to bring Bucket to the party then?”

I glare at Eli. “His name is Beckett. And I don’t see why not. We’re friends, and I don’t want to go by myself. Who knows who else will be there. Probably the entire college.”

Eli devours most of his BLT in a few bites, and I haven’t even tried my grilled cheese yet.

He scratches his chin, then frowns. “I guess if I don’t go to this party, I’ll look like an asshole, right?”

“Yeah, probably.” I take a sip of coffee, then close my eyes in bliss. “Oh, that’s a good cup.”

Eli nods appreciatively. “See? Told you it destroys that crap from the cafeteria.”

“You were right, but don’t get used to me saying that.”

He snorts with laughter. “What a mouth on you.”

I give a mock bow from my seat, then take a bite of grilled cheese. “It really is delish.”

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