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“That’s a nice way of putting it.” I give him a pointed look. “And something I warned you about.”

“I know. I don’t want to be a dick about things, but she really needs to hit the brakes.”

“That won’t be happening any time soon.” I hand him the invitation. “She’s throwing a party, and you’re invited. In fact, you’re the entire reason for the party.”

Eli stares at me, then glances down at the invitation. “What do you mean, I’m the reason?”

“She wants to spend some time with you. Time alone, she said. For some reason, she figures a party will help with that.”

His phone buzzes, and he makes a face as he pulls it from his pocket. “Oh, fuck. It’s her again.” He holds up the phone to show me the screen. “She’s texted me 26 times today, Holland.Twenty-six times.”

I snort with laughter. Yeah, that sounds like Mandi. “Maybe you shouldn’t have given her your number.”

“I didn’t give it to her. She got it from Linc.”

Ugh, Linc.

“Well, isn’t he such a good friend,” I say mockingly. “Always looking out for your best interests.”

Sighing, he shoves the phone back into his pocket. “I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but she obviously took things the wrong way, and—”

“Took what the wrong way?” I can tell by the defensive look on his face that it’s nothing good. “Oh, balls. Eli, what did you do?”

He shifts in his seat, then scratches the top of the table with his fingernail. “We hung out at Serra’s place last night. She invited Mandi over. It was just a small group of people. Some guys from the team, and a few of Serra’s friends.”


He looks up at me. “We sort of kissed a little.”

My stomach drops what feels like ten feet, and I swallow. “A little?”

Eli sighs. “Okay, a lot.”

I fight to keep my poker face, but inside, I’m twisted up in knots.


He’s kissedMandi.

Of course he has, because she’s beautiful, and the kind of girl who fits in perfectly with his crowd.

As usual, when I get upset, my mouth overrides my brain. “Wow. You’re a real dumb ass, you know that?”

He glares at me. “Tell me how you really feel, Holland.”

I cross my arms and glare right back at him. “I’m sorry, but I don’t feel bad for you one bit. I warned you. I see you didn’t take that warning under consideration.”

“You’re wrong. I did consider it,” he says defensively, then shrugs as he looks down at the table. “But...”

Holding up my hand, I shake my head. “Don’t. I don’t need the dirty details. Obviously, you just couldn’t help yourself.”

“It didn’t mean anything,” he argues. “It was just making out.”

“To you it was nothing, but to her, it waseverything. You dug this hole all by yourself, Eli. I told you she likes you, and I told you she’s oblivious.”

Eli runs his hands down over his face. “I didn’t think you meantthatoblivious.”

After closing my laptop, I lean forward and tap my finger on the table. “Maybe next time you’ll think twice about using someone like that just to pass the time because you’re bored, horny, or whatever the hell you were.”

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