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“I’m not,” he argues. “It makes you different. It makes you honest.”

“So jocks, cheerleaders, and popular people aren’t honest?”

“No. Yes. I don’t fucking know,” he grumbles. “I suck at explaining this properly.”

I snort. “Yeah, you really do.”

“See?” he exclaims. “That. That right there is exactly what I mean. You’re the only girl who...” He drags his hands down over his face, then places them on my shoulders. “Listen to me, Holland. Fuck Linc. Fuck anyone who makes you feel like you don’t belong. You’re a fucking cool chick. And you’re not ugly.”

The honesty behind his words stuns the hell out of me. I blink a few times, but then I feel it—laughter, bubbling up inside of me. I giggle-snort a few times, and make a strangled sound trying to stop my impending hysterics.

Eli looks slightly alarmed, and seeing his expression makes me completely lose it. I start laughing and can’t stop.

“Uh...” he says, staring at me. “Are you okay?”

I wave my hands in front of my face, trying desperately to stop. Eventually, the laughter subsides, and I hiccup.

Eli raises an eyebrow. “Was it something I said?”

“Yes! Oh my god. As far as compliments go, that was pretty terrible, Eli.”

He frowns as we begin walking again. “How was it terrible?”

“Really?” I ask. “‘You’re a cool chick, Holland. And you’re not ugly,’” I repeat, imitating his voice.

I elbow him in the side and bat my eyelashes mockingly. “Say it again, Eli. It’s what every cool chick dreams of hearing a man say. Not that she’s beautiful or cute. Just that she’s not ugly.”

This time, he’s the one snorting with laughter. “Cut me some slack, would you?”

“Yeah, no. I don’t think so.”

“Jesus. You’re super cute, and you know it,” he grumbles. “Linc is an idiot.”

“I wasn’t fishing for compliments, if you must know,” I tell him. “I really did think what you said was funny.”

My stomach lets out a loud, embarrassing grumble, and I groan. “Fucking Linc. Now I’m going to have to make a cup of noodles in the microwave instead of eating my delicious cheeseburger.”

He makes a face. “I’m sorry.”

“Me, too.”

The dorm building comes into view as we approach the campus, and I stifle a sigh. I’m exhausted and can’t wait to get upstairs.

“Are your friends going to give you shit for leaving Sal’s?” I ask him.

“I really don’t care if they do. I plan on giving them shit, so they’re the ones who should be worried.”

“If you were leaving with Stacie or Mandi, they wouldn’t say dick about it,” I tell him. “Another reason why I don’t belong with your crowd.”

“I wouldn’teverleave with Stacie.”

“You wouldn’t? But I thought you were ‘hitting that?’” I say sarcastically, making air quotes.

There’s just enough light that I see Eli’s cheeks flush. “I only said that to shut him up. I shouldn’t have.”

“I don’t care who you bang, Donnelley, but no, you’re right. You shouldn’t have.” I stop walking and turn to him. “About that, though... I want to talk to you about Mandi.”

“Mandi?” He frowns. “What about her?”

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