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“When are you going to finally hit that, Eli?” Chase asks. “Fuck man, Stacie’s been after you for ages. Give the lady what she wants.”

“Who says I haven’t?” he counters, looking annoyed. “Maybe she’s just coming back for more.”

“Bullshit. I don’t know why you’re holding back, but just go for it. She’s hot as fuck. I’d hit that.”

“Whowouldn’thit that?” Linc mutters, glancing over at Stacie, his gaze zeroing in on her ass.

“Hopefully not you, since you already have a girlfriend,” I say sweetly. I’m sick of their bullshit posturing. It’s gross, especially with Mandi and me sitting right here.

Linc turns and gives me what I guess is supposed to be an intimidating look, but I just cock an eyebrow.

“What?” I ask.

“Who the fuck invited you, anyway?” Linc asks. “Why are you evenhere?”

“Why areyouhere?” I shoot back, narrowing my eyes.

Linc settles back against the booth, his mouth curling into a sneer. “Oh,Iget it. Eli invited your hot friend over there,” he says, gesturing at Mandi. “But she couldn’t exactly leave you all alone, right? So you had to tag along, because I’m sure you didn’t have anything better to do tonight.”

“Enough, Linc,” Eli growls. “For fuck’s sake.”

Mandi’s gone mute and is staring at Linc like he’s just grown another head.

“Actually, Linc, I’m here because he invited me,” I reply, hooking a thumb toward Eli.

“He only invited you because he felt bad for your ugly ass. Look around you, Hailey. You don’t belong here.”

His cruel words are like a kick to the stomach, and they go straight to the heart of my deepest insecurities. That I’m not good enough, pretty enough, or just enough in general. But I’m not going to let this fucking idiot see he’s got the best of me.

“Move,” I growl. “Move right fucking now. Get the hell out of my way.”

“What the hell is wrong with you, Linc?” Eli snaps. “Jesus Christ.”

Linc smirks, then makes a big show about taking his time getting out of the booth. I fight the urge to kick him in the nuts, but it’s oh so tempting.

When he’s finally out of my way, I scramble past him and head for the door.

“Holland! Holland, wait!” Eli calls after me.

Hot tears blur my vision, and I’m so pissed off that I’m vibrating with rage. I shove open the door and head out into the cold night air. Pulling my hoodie over my head, I turn right and begin walking toward campus.

It’s a hell of a hike, but I’m not waiting around in the cold for a half hour just to take the campus shuttle. And I need to burn off some of this anger.

I’m just past Sal’s when I hear Eli call my name again. I glance over my shoulder and see him jogging toward me.

“Just leave me alone,” I mutter, walking faster.

“I can’t do that.”

“Yes, you can. It’s easy. Just turn around and walk back to Sal’s.”

I use care to keep my voice devoid of emotion, because once I let go of the scant amount of control I’ve got left, I know I’ll break down.

Eli gently takes me by the elbow. “Come on, Holland. Hold up a second.”

I don’t want to stop walking, and I don’t want to look at him because my tears are seconds away from spilling down my cheeks. The last thing I want is for him to see me like this. I’m humiliated and hurt, and I’m angry at myself that I let that oversized jock creep get to me.

But it’s not only Linc’s words that echo in my head. It’s Mandi’s, too. About how I dress like a boy and need a makeover, and all that other shit.

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