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“That’s because it was you.”

He tugged her closer to him, then pressed a soft kiss against her forehead. Fuck. His heart felt three sizes too big for his chest after hearing her say that.

She smiled suddenly, and it was like a burst of sunshine. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure you’re a natural stud between the sheets, but we have history, so this wasn’t like a random hookup. It meant something.”

“Yeah,” he said, palming her cheek. He ran his thumb along her soft skin. “You’re right about that. It meant something.”

He paused, then grinned at her. “But you’re right about the other thing, too. I’mdefinitelya stud between the sheets.”

Holly rolled her eyes and let out a snort of laughter. “Sococky.”

“Fucking right I am.” He rolled onto his back and brought her with him, making her shriek in surprise, then giggle.

Hearing her sound so happy madehimhappy. He rarely got to see her with her guard down, but he loved it. And he loved that she could finally be like this with him again.

Holly leaned her head against him, then yawned, making him laugh. “Did I wear you out, Wilkes?”

“I’m not a professional athlete like some people in this room,” she murmured. “My stamina leaves a lot to be desired.”

“Okay, I propose we take another little nap. I’ll set my alarm for an hour from now.”

Holly lifted her head and cocked an eyebrow at him. “Maybe I woreyouout.”

“Nah. But a little nap couldn’t hurt, considering I’ll need lots of energy for what I’m planning later.”

“Plans, hmm?” She settled back down against his chest.

“Oh yeah,” he whispered, nuzzling the top of her head. “Big plans, baby. Get that nap in. You’re gonna need it.”

* * *

Eli glanced over at his phone as the alarm sounded, bleary-eyed from his nap. He rolled over and jabbed at the screen to turn it off, then yawned.

Hell, that hadn’t even felt like five minutes, let alone an hour.

He sat up and turned to wake Holly, but he realized she wasn’t in the bed. In the distance, he heard the sound of the shower running.

Well, damn. He wasn’t about to miss an opportunity to get clean with her, if she was up for it.

After chugging down some water from the bottle on the nightstand, he made his way over to the bathroom.

When he opened the door, he was greeted with a roomful of steam and the sight of her in the ridiculously huge glass shower stall, looking hot as fuck as she lathered up beneath the spray.

He cleared his throat, and she shrieked.

“Oh my god, you scared me,” she told him, letting out a shaky laugh. “I thought you’d still be asleep.”

“No, I’m awake now.Veryawake.”

Holly’s gaze flicked to below his waist, and she gave him a sexy little smile. “So I see. You know, there’s room in here for another person. I wouldn’t mind some company.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” He slipped into the shower stall behind her and rested his hands on her hips. “You should have woken me up. The last thing I’d want to miss out on is you all soapy and naked.”

“I’m sorry. I was freezing and decided to warm up in the shower. This thing is heaven, isn’t it?”

“Almost as good as mine,” he murmured, dragging his lips down over her slick shoulder. “But not quite.”

“Well, it beats the hell out of the tiny shower cubicle in my apartment.” She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I simply had to try it out.”

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