Page 27 of Lady of Hell & Fury

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Foot propped up on an ottoman, I fixed the fishnet stockings I preferred to wear. I slid several knives into holders along my thighs and waist. Then I tucked a few vials of binding powder into hidden pockets inside the new jacket Nova had specially made for me.

Tonight was the first time we’d go out; the first time in weeks I’d get to swing my spiked bat at some deserving bastards. My hands itched to grip the familiar girth of the wood handle, but I clipped it to my back instead.

The hair on my arms rose as hot air tickled the side of my neck. I could sense his heat through layers of clothing, but I refused to turn around. I wouldn’t stand a chance if I caught sight of those gorgeous green eyes doused in lust, and I wanted out of this fucking prison.

I needed to break bone and cut into flesh. I needed the roads to run red with the blood of my enemies, and I’d stab the motherfucker first before he caught me in his sensual web. I’d use every learned skill to bind and abandon the asshole if I didn’t get to kill at least three…no, four bastard demons tonight.

An electric sensation spider-walked down my neck and back when Nova’s lips caressed my ear. Hands fisted, I fought to stay focused on the goal for blood and not cock.

His front took the shape of my back and his large hands clasped the fishnet covering my naked upper thighs, fingers digging into my soft flesh. “You’re eager, and it makes me want to fuck you right here, right now before you get lost to your desire for revenge, little bird.”

Swallowing, I barely kept it together long enough to answer. “If I don’t get to fight tonight, Nova, god help you, I’ll burn this fucking place to the ground.”

His soft, whimsical laughter tickled the wet shell of my ear and a familiar jolt hit my hips.

No. Don’t give in. Get your shit together, Lady.

“We can’t have that. I quite like this place. So many…hmm,memories,” he whispered hotly into my ear before releasing me.

Licking my lips, I sheathed another dagger and then offered Nova an over-the-shoulder look. “You said this group would know where to find one of the Sworn Three?”

Green eyes igniting, Nova nodded emphatically. “I’m confident their leader will know where to find him. So, keep him alive long enough to talk, hmm?”

“No faith in me at all,” I sassed, lips lifting sarcastically.

Nova’s smile mirrored my own. “Only because I know how much you love to make bad men pay, and this one is a nasty bugger.”

With a skip in my step, I headed for Nova’s favorite car parked in the garage.

The place this villain owned was one, let’s just say, I’d fit into perfectly. It was a kink club specializing in hardcore BDSM, and of course, a total ruse for their nefarious agenda—a human buffet for demons.

Two birds, one stone, you might say.

Devilish grin on my face, I climbed into the passenger seat and was ready to pretend to be the human totally enslaved to a demon.

“SO, THE WAY YOU TELL it, if we kill off these Sworn Three assholes, it’ll weaken Lucifer? And the mark you were given is sort of a two-way power source thingy?” I asked, fixing my lipstick as we got closer to our destination.

Hands gripping the wheel like this was some midnight drive through the countryside and not a one-way destination to destruction, Nova’s lips lifted and his sparkling eyes narrowed on the road ahead. “In a sense, yes. The mark acts as a power share, but it benefits the marker more so than the markee. And it’s only in cases of strong demons like the Sworn Three, which I was once a part of, that it impacts her power should they be killed. Lower demons who are marked are not connected with Lucifer, only bound to her.”

Branded by a bitch, what a way to live.

“Sounds like you all got the shit end of the stick, huh? You lose your power if you try to remove it and barely get anything for having it, but she lays claim to all your power and goes on ruling forever and ever, ‘til death do you part?” I scoffed, sinking back into the seat with my eyes on the darkness drenched road. “She’s got you dudes on tight leashes.”

“Carrying the ruler of Hell’s mark has its benefits. Aside from being highly regarded in Hell’s society, as one of the Sworn Three, the power they receive makes them stronger than any other demon, save a few. And together, they’re practically untouchable,” Nova explained, seemingly reminiscing about his time as Lucifer’s captive. “Under the right ruler, it’s a great advantage to have for maintaining balance and ensuring the ruler’s success.”

Hell’s society sounded as ridiculous as human society. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised they’re so similar since it was my human society which first exposed me to evil. I thought maybe it’d be animal anarchy in that world, but bureaucratic bullshit would be absolute hell for me, so that made more sense.

Yeah, no. I’d rather deal with gross old men every night of the week than be forced to put on aristocratic airs with evil demon assholes.

“Under the wrong ruler you get a heavenly war and the potential demise of the human world,” I interjected sarcastically, lips rising. “Your taste in women is terrible.”

Nova’s eyes flashed green and red before his lips upturned into an impish grin. “I like to think it’s improved some.”

“Jury’s still out. We’ll see how the night goes, and then maybe I’ll agree with you,” I countered, laughing to myself. “No matter what happens, I’ll give ‘em hell.”

“I never doubted it,” the gorgeous demon agreed, chuckling.

The way Nova explained it, if we managed to kill the Sworn Three, we’d diminish Lucifer’s powers until she could find suitable replacements. Marking someone wasn’t easy apparently, not the way she had him and the other three. It required a strong contract, similar to the one Nova and I formed. More than that, it was a different kind of process, one that required a number of things to take place.
