Page 23 of Knot Fit For Love

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"I mean sex, Ian. You being here made residual pheromones break free. It's your fault."

The alpha's face fell preternaturally still, eyes focused with an intense scrutiny as Elias spoke, voice a mere whisper. The movie in the background was louder, but he knew Ian heard him just by the flare of his nostrils and the furrow of his brow.

"I'm sorry to hear your heat was troubling, but we shouldn't do this together. My relationship with you means more to me than feeling you wrapped around my cock."

Elias' knees shook. Ian's demeanor had a palpable undercurrent of restrained dominance, as if he was concealing a primal instinct desperate to be unleashed. They longed to possess each other fully, to be intimately familiar with every oddity and kink. No matter if it hurt him—no matter if it turned out awful.

If anyone deserved Elias' submission, it was the man who had openly yearned for it for over a decade.

"Please, just listen," he begged, leading Ian to the nest on the couch. "Even back in highschool, my therapist pointed out the open codependency I shared with you. According to him, most omegas had that perception towards their intended mate. The person they value above all others."

Ian pressed their foreheads together. "You're not making this easy on me. I'm supposed to be the voice of reason."

Elias tried to kiss him, even as Ian evaded. "I don't want to regret anything."

"So, we shouldn't be doing this, right?"

His point had merit, but so did crossing the line he'd already rode with a man he barely knew.

"I've tried to ignore my base nature, but I can't. I'll be at my most vulnerable; I'm going to be raw and open, and I need you to match me. I need to know what your unrestricted pheromones are like."

Ian's eyes changed into a captivating shade of gold, and his teeth extended into a menacing exhibition. He remained composed, resisting the temptation to act impulsively even as the menacing snarl echoed around them.

"You hold me captive, Elias. I'll fulfill your every desire, surrendering myself completely to your pleasure. All you have to do is focus on me alone."

Elias dropped his gaze, wrapping both arms around Ian's neck for purchase. Those teeth… he thought dizzily, trying to keep it together but enjoying the burning sensation of low desire sweeping through his body.

His fingers flexed, tightening his hold on Ian and bringing their lips so close they might as well be brushing.He wasn't afraid of Ian right now. He wanted more of him. Actually might even tear apart someone else for the chance to sense those teeth scraping his tongue and drawing blood.

"Kiss me already," he demanded softly, lips barely moving.

Ian answered with a low growl as one hand tangled in the back of Elias' golden curls, guiding their mouths together. He opened himself immediately, sucking on Ian's tongue and whining each time his own touched a fang. It was a tease. He wanted them in his skin.

"Ah, mmm," he mumbled.

Ian fell back into the nest of blankets, guiding Elias' legs down and around his hips. Through their clothes, which were painfully thin, Ian's dick was huge and throbbing. Elias moaned as he let his hips move on instinct. Ian didn't stop devouring him, licking into Elias' mouth like he'd been wanting ages to explore it.

His trembling body craved something more, aching for fulfillment. Elias wanted to come with Ian inside him. It didn't feel right otherwise.

"Please," he whispered into Ian's mouth, rutting his hips faster. "I want your alpha knot deep inside me. I want it, please."

"Shit," Ian groaned, his fingers tightly kneading Elias' ass as he shot upright to stride purposefully towards his bedroom. The sound of their ragged breathing and the thump of their footsteps resonated in the air. With a forceful kick, he swung the door open, allowing it to crash against the wall, before gently placing Elias on the bed.

As their bodies slid apart, he hesitated to let go, whimpering and stretching out his hand towards the alpha. Ian smiled at him, his molten gaze softening at the edges.

"Don't worry. I'm getting undressed, and then I'll come right back."

Fumbling for the tie of his sweatpants, Elias let out a groan, his thighs clenching in frustration. Embarrassment washed over him as his fingers shook uncontrollably. Out of nowhere, Ian abruptly grabbed his hands, halting him in his tracks and placing a gentle kiss on the backs of them. He'd climbed back up on the bed, naked and mouth-watering.

From the wide, rippling shoulders and pectorals to the strong thighs leaning back against powerful calves, he was a work of art. Not to mention the story of tattoos that riddled Ian's tanned skin. First the network of veins from his neck all the way to his toes, even covering the backs of his hands. Then the flowers at certain intersections that marked important events in his life.

Elias traced them as Ian moved him into the center of the bed, eyes trailing along behind his fingers. The first, a cluster of purple lilacs along his left side, represented the day they met over ten years ago. The second, a small bunch of yellow carnations on his right breast bone, representing the day his mother left, falling into drug addiction and prostitution rather than caring for her son. The third, a flourish of yarrow right over Ian's heart, represented the day he ascended, their connection almost instant but terrifying.

It's not anymore, though… right?

Elias wanted that to be true so badly tears burned the backs of his eyes as he squeezed them shut. He spread his legs wider and raised his hips.

"Open your eyes, Sweetheart."
