Page 91 of My Dark Protector

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“He was the one who came up to the shop tonight.”

Shea’s eyebrows shot up her forehead. “Oh, you weren’t finished, I’ll let you…”

“He came up and showed me the pictures on his mobile and I…”

“And you…”

“I smacked it out of his hand.”

Shea pumped her fist in the air. “Way to go, Teagan!”

“And he made to grab me and probably would have ground my face into the pavement had Brittany not come out and stopped him…” She was shaking again, going over all of it was too much. Too soon. Why had she done such a stupid thing? He was insane, Shea had said it. He could have broken her in half in his rage. Why the fuck…

“Wait, Brittany was there? Does she know? She does know. How could you tell her before me?”

“Shea, I-”

“Ha, shut up, I don’t care. Keep going.”

Teagan rolled her eyes. “I hate you.”

“You don’t either. Not allowed. Anyway, you were saying?”

“I smacked his mobile out of his hand and kicked it under the dumpster. He chickened out of getting it himself and left it there.”

She pulled it out of her pocket to show Shea.

“Fuck, you got it! But he’s certain to have wiped it by now…”

“No, he didn’t. Britt pulled out the SIM chip so it can’t access the internet. He can’t wipe it remotely.”

“Fuckin’ hell…” Shea reached out and took the mobile. Teagan was only too happy to hand it over. She had to finish up the sauce, anyway. It needed the actual cream and a bit of salt to be finished.

“Of course, we don’t know his password and if we answer wrong too many times, it wipes it anyway.”

“Pfft,” Shea scoffed. “I’ll think about it. I’m pretty sure I can guess his password. He’s clever, he’s not intelligent. Fortunately, I am both.”

“Not to mention modest as hell,” Teagan teased.

“Modesty is for the unexceptional, Teagan. It’s not for us.” She turned his mobile over in her hands. “What do you need from me? Want me to kill him?”

“Eric?” Teagan asked, laughing a little.

“Yeah, I will totally kill that guy for you.”

As macabre as it was, Teagan knew that was the closest she’d ever get to feelings from Shea. “I know you would. And I appreciate it. I appreciate you.”


“But what I need is to talk to Jaxon. It’s what Eric told me to do, so something tells me maybe Jaxon knows what that means.”

Shea rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll get the other guys away from him when they get back. You take him back there and tell him what’s up.”

“In the meantime, help me with this salad,” Teagan instructed. She turned off the burners and went to drain the pasta.

“Why? I’m not going to eat it.”


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