Page 10 of Daring to Surrender

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“I’m so sorry. I got confused with the pedals. They are so close together and one makes it go and one makes it stop. I just got them crossed. Of course I will pay to have your garage repaired.

The man’s eyes narrowed. “You got them fucking crossed. You’re fucking right you will pay. You have no business being behind the wheel of a car—or a lawnmower! Do you even know how many wrecks you almost had and I only followed you the last few miles? Who knows what else you caused before I caught up with you up. You don’t know the first thing about driving. Where did you learn? The Donald Duck school of driving?”

Janel’s defiant chin tipped. She didn’t think she was all that bad. “That shows what you know. I didn’t go to a driving school. I am self-taught.”

He snorted. “I would never have guessed. You aren’t getting your keys back until you fix my house and show me a driver’s license.”

The man was a jerk. He didn’t need to ridicule and belittle her. Accidents happened. “I’ll call someone tomorrow to repair your house, but I’m afraid I have no idea how to acquire a driver’s license and I do have places I need to go. So if I could just get my keys, I’ll move Liza back to my driveway.”


Janel nodded toward the car. “Don’t you think she looks like a Liza?”

“Unbelievable,” he muttered under his breath, but Janel had no problem hearing him or picking up on how angry he was. He must not have gotten many hugs when he was a child. That thought made her want to hug him. And that thought made her stomach shiver at the image of doing even more. And that thought left her speechless because she hadn’t had those thoughts since James.

“Leave the car,” he grumbled. “I’ll call the garage to pick it up.”

She’d been so preoccupied she hadn’t even noticed he’d gone inside his house and left her standing alone beside Liza, who was now sporting a second dent. This one was definitely noticeable.



Dozer tossed the fool woman’s keys on the table by the door and grabbed a beer from the fridge. He twisted off the cap and threw it in the trash while taking a long, calming drink. His new neighbor was driving him crazy.

For the obvious reasons, of course. She was an incompetent pest, but also because of the giant puzzle she presented. Last night, her eyes had been a mesmerizing dark blue, but in the light of today, they were brown. A very ordinary brown. Why was she wearing contacts?

And her bad American accent from last night was gone, replaced by a somewhat British or European accent he’d never heard before. What was she hiding? His senses went on high alert and they’d stay that way until she either moved on or he found out the answers.

Then there were the two men who’d showed up after she hit his house. He’d lay money on them being some type of security. He knew the type. They’d been running to the rescue until the cousin intercepted them, and then they’d argued and left with the cousin.

Who was she and what was her agenda? Had she been sent by the Creed Outlaws club to gather intel about the contract they’d just accepted? Dozer wasn’t thrilled with his club’s decision to do another gun run, but they needed quick capital to fund their main club objective to shut down the trafficking ring. They were so close to taking down the whole Luciano family.

He took his phone out and made a call. It rang three times before the sound of pneumatic drills and a short, snappy, “Hello.”

“Hey, Crash. I need a favor.” Crash was a grease monkey at heart and ran the club’s garage. He was a bear of a man with a beard nearing his waist and hands big enough to crush a man’s throat.

“You got it, Doze. What can I do for you?”

“There’s a Mini Cooper lodged in the side of my house. Can you bring the wrecker and haul it in for repairs? Do whatever you need to fix it.”

Crash chuckled, and Dozer didn’t think he’d get a pass on such a request. “What the fuck? Wanna give me a bit more info?”

No, he really didn’t, but he knew Crash wouldn’t let it go. He gossiped more than club whores. “My new idiot neighbor drove into the side of my house.”

He was quiet for a second longer than he should have been. “Okay, but why are you going out of your way to fix the car? And a Mini at that. Are those really cars? Oh, I get it. She’s hot and you’re trying to get in her pants.”

“If I wanted in her pants, there would be no trying,” he snapped back.

Crash laughed out loud. “Sure, sure, Doze. Give me a few hours to finish up here and I’ll be over.”

“Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

Finishing his beer, Dozer tossed the empty bottle into the recycling bin and stared out his kitchen window at her house. She was beautiful. He’d never seen any woman her equal. She looked young, though. Much younger than his thirty-four years. He had no business being attracted to her or imagining his hand wrapped around her throat while sinking balls deep inside her.

No. He stopped that thought and called it like it was. He wanted to fuck her. But her kind didn’t understand that fucking was just that. A good time for a few hours and then he was done. She didn’t have the experience to understand that.

With all of her secrets, he was better off keeping his distance anyway.

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