Page 52 of Loving Liam

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“Did you touch yourself? Daddy said no touching last time we spoke. I would hate to have to punish you after what you’ve been through these past few days.”

Realisation dawned, and he shook his head vehemently.

“I promise, Daddy. I didn’t.”

“There’s my good boy.” My words had an effect, and his balls tightened as his beautiful cock grew. I pulled on it gently, watching the pleasure on his face intensify. He closed his eyes and sighed, resting his head on the shower screen behind him.

He thrust his hips towards me, and I dropped to my knees, intent on worshipping him until his legs trembled.

“No, please. Let’s shower first.”

He placed his hand on my head and pushed it backwards before I could wrap my lips around him.

“Okay, let’s do that.” I took a deep breath and undressed, removing my T-shirt last. The insecurities still hadn’t disappeared, but as feather-light touches grazed my sensitive nipples, I forgot all about them.

As he stepped into the shower, I mourned the loss of his touch, but I admired the subtle curve of his arse, where fine hairs dotted the cheeks. I hadn’t seen him completely naked. Despite him being small, he had long, slim, and muscled legs.

His ivory-coloured skin was blemish-free except for the scar on his arm. I remembered he’d required surgery to repair the break inflicted by Stuart.

Poor guy had been through so much. Who was I to cause him any further heartache? I vowed from this day forward to be there for him. I wouldn’t let him down.

I followed him into the shower and stood behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and brought him close, my cock nestled just above his crack.

Sighing heavily, he relaxed in my arms, resting his head against my shoulder.

The steady sound of water soothed me as we stood beneath the spray. The fears I’d had about starting anything with Liam washed away, leaving me with a sense of calm, and I knew exactly what I wanted.

I wanted Liam, wanted to care for him, wanted to look after him, wanted to be his Daddy if that was what he needed.

I just wanted him. Pure and simple.



Standing beneath the spray in John’s arms seemed the most natural thing in the world. I’d experienced nothing like this before.

Stuart had often bathed me, usually after a scene, more from obligation than anything else. Never had I felt warmth and sincerity from anyone as I did with John right now.

I’d been fucking mad at him, but slowly, as the days wore on and he’d failed to respond to my messages, I’d become despondent. Another failed relationship, another man leading me on and delivering nothing.

Until he stood on my doorstep, looking cold and nervous as hell.

When he’d gone downstairs, my heart skipped happily. He hadn’t forgotten me after all. I should have known, but my stupid, irrational brain had fed me all the wrong information again.

It was difficult to erase the feelings of abandonment from my family, Stuart, even Ziggy. They’d all left me to fend for myself, and I was not good at that.

Drew had given John hell. Despite his issues with Cindy, Drew had looked after me, telling me all would be well. He had been right.

Now, nestled in John’s embrace, I felt a sense of calm, of contentment with how things had turned out. We’d need to move, though. The shower didn’t have an unlimited supply of water, and soon the water would turn tepid, then bollock-freezing cold.

As if reading my thoughts again, John released me and grabbed the shampoo.

“No, please.” I moved out of his reach. Ever since Stuart had beaten me, I’d been conscious of the scar and had only allowed the doctors to touch it, no one else.

“Liam, I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

I knew he wouldn’t, but this was a part of me I couldn’t share with anyone else, regardless of their intentions.
