Page 16 of Loving Liam

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“White with no sugar. As strong as you can make it.”

Mmm, not how I’d made it before. I squished the tea bag against the side of the mug several times until the tea was a murky shade of brown.

“Is this okay?” I showed him the mug, wrinkling my nose.

“It’s fine.”

Okay, then. I pushed the cup towards him and inwardly cringed as he drank it, fully expecting him to spit it out.

“That’s a good cup of tea,” he said and took another gulp.

Glad he thought so. We sat in the same chairs as the previous evening, and I waited for him to speak.

He said nothing.

I hated silence and fidgeted in my seat.

The silence dragged on.

“Was there something you wanted?” I asked finally. It was nice he’d come around.

He had a strange expression I couldn’t fathom. Not the compassion and kindness I’d seen last night. He looked almost deceitful, as if he were hiding something from me.

“Just checking up on you, like I said I would last night.” He took another sip of tea. Stalling, that was what he was doing.

“Well, as you can see, I’m fine. Thanks once again for bringing me home.”

More silence, more furtive glances. What in hell’s name was going on?

“Am I keeping you? Do you have somewhere else to be?” I leant back in my chair, crossing my arms.

“No, not at all.”

“It’s just that you’ve not really said anything since you came through the door. Now, if you’ve something on your mind, spill it already.”

My voice rose, as did my temper. What the fuck?

He shifted in his chair, looking decidedly uncomfortable.

“Spit. It. Out.”

“I’m here to make sure you’re okay and that you slept well. You were pretty out of it last night, and you were upset.”

“And I’m upset again now. Why won’t you tell me what’s going on?”

“It’s probably nothing.”

“Well, that fucking bodes well. I can’t wait to hear it.”

I stood, walked over to the sink, and tipped my coffee. It was making me nauseous. No, that wasn’t true. This conversation was making me feel sick. There was only one fucking reason John would need to talk to me, and that was Stuart.

“He’s out, isn’t he?”

“I never said that, Liam.”

“You didn’t have to. It’s written all over your face.” Dear god, what would this mean for me?

I dropped my head to my chest and closed my eyes. When would I catch a fucking break? Wasn’t it enough that he had ruined my life? Hadn’t I suffered enough?
