Page 45 of In the Gray

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Cat paces in front of me for the third time as if searching for something, though it’s clear she doesn’t even know what she’s doing. She’s been a wreck since she got a call from her childhood friend Caroline this morning.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you today? I can always take my grandmother to the store tomorrow. I’m sure she’ll understand.”

“Thank you, but no. It’s going to be a long, grueling day. You should go be with your grandmother. Besides, I don’t know how appropriate it is to bring the guy you’re dating to…” Her words trail off, her eyes swelling up with tears as she shakes her head, unwilling or unable to finish her sentence.

Caroline’s father isn’t expected to make it through the day, and she’s asked Cat to come for support and to say her goodbye. Cat doesn’t handle these types of things very well. She cried when the old woman who lived up the road from her died last month, and she’d never even met the woman. I don’t know how she’s going to survive watching someone she’s loved and cared for take their last breath.

I pull her into my arms and squeeze them around her, kissing the top of her head. She sniffles as she leans back and meets my gaze.

“Oh no, Lori…I was supposed to meet up with her today. I feel like we haven’t gotten to spend much time together lately and she’s upset about Julianna.” She lets out a sigh as she closes her eyes.

“Hey,” I say, taking her face in my hands. When she opens her eyes again, I continue. “Don’t worry about Lori, I’ll go meet up with her.”

Cat’s forehead creases as she bites her bottom lip, looking about as unsure as I feel. Things between Lori and me have been strained since Lizzy’s wedding. Since she heard I was planning to ask Cat to marry me and ended up leaving with Levi. I’m not entirely sure how she’ll react to me showing up in Cat’s place, but it’s a good opportunity to clear the air. Besides, Gram has been bugging me about seeing Lori again. This will kill two birds with one stone.

“Are you sure? Lori’s been extremely moody the past couple weeks.”

“It will be fine, promise.” My words don’t hold much conviction, but Cat nods in agreement anyway.

* * *

Lori tries to slam the door in my face, but I stick my foot out to keep it from closing. After I explained why I’m here, she went from worried to annoyed in a flash.

She narrows her eyes at me, and I shoot her a bright smile.

“I’m getting pretty sick of Cat sending you in her place. It’s offensive and absurd. She should have told me herself she couldn’t hang out today. I’m not a child, and I have plenty of things to fill up my time.”

“Maybe I merely wanted to spend some time with my friend,” I offer. She rolls her eyes, but I can see her hard exterior softening. “Besides…” I hitch my thumb over my shoulder toward the truck where Gram is waiting. I’d been smart enough to pick her up before showing up here, knowing Lori might not be thrilled to see me, but she wouldn’t turn Gram away too. Lori looks over my shoulder, her eyes a little wider when they land on me again. “Gram has been asking to see you, and I’ve already told her you would be joining us today. You wouldn’t want to let my grandmother down, would you?”

“That’s low,” she grits. “I won’t forget this. Payback will be a bitch.”

I shrug with a smile on my face, not even trying to hide my amusement.

* * *

Three hours later, we’re in my truck on the way back to Lori’s after dropping my grandmother back home, and she’s doing her best to pretend I don’t exist. She’d been cordial while we were out with Gram, but she isn’t even trying to hide her animosity toward me now. Lori isn’t the type of person you should push when she’s angry, but I’ve missed talking to her these past couple weeks. I want us to go back to the way we were, and I think we both have some things to get off our chests.

“So…how’s the book coming along?”

From the corner of my eye, I see her head slowly turn my way. I glance over as we come to a stop at a four way, and she sneers, cutting her eyes at me.

“Marriage? Are you fucking serious?”

“See…” I point and wag my finger at her, shaking my head. “I knew that was bothering you. Is that really such a crazy notion? I mean, what’s the point if things aren’t leading down that path?”

She moans, swatting my hand away. “Do you even fucking hear yourself? You’re talking about committing to someone for the rest of your life because it’s expected. Like it’s this thing you need to check off your list.”

Both hands grip the wheel again, my hold a little tighter than necessary as I turn my attention to the road and pull forward.

“Not everyone is terrified of the idea of living a life with someone. Some of us like the thought of growing old with someone. And for your information, it’s not something I need to do. Getting married is something I want to do.”

“Gross. Grow up. You think a piece of paper from the government makes your relationship special? It doesn’t mean shit. It doesn’t guarantee your happily ever after.”

“If marrying someone doesn’t mean anything, then why are you so worked up over it?”

She cackles sarcastically. “Fuck you. I’m not worked up. I’m concerned for my friend.”

My eyes shoot over to her, my jaw ticking, though I’m more hurt than angry. I thought I was her friend too. I don’t understand why she’s so opposed to the idea of Cat marrying me. Does she not think I’m good enough?

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