Page 93 of Our Pucking Way

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So, he had seen and understood me.

I caught Jack’s eye first, gave him a subtle tilt of my head. Understanding flashed across his features. Sebastian was next, following Jack’s gaze to where I stood, grim and resolute.

They exchanged a look, a silent conversation passing between them before they peeled away from the play.

“Kennedy's missing,” I barked, my voice barely carrying over the din of the crowd and the shrill protests from the coaches. Jack’s stride faltered for half a beat, his eyes searching mine for a mistake, a misunderstanding—anything but the truth I’d just laid bare. Sebastian’s jaw clenched, the easygoing defenseman replaced in an instant by the hardened man who’d survived too much to be easily rattled.

“We’re going to find her.” I said grimly.

Carter’s exit was swift, and given all the media about his obvious injury—he could thank me later—no one was surprised by having the backup goalie step in. As soon as he limped off the ice, play began again—but not for Jack and Sebastian.

The puck slid by unnoticed as they broke formation, their skates carving hard into the ice, propelling them toward me.

Without a word, they vaulted over the boards. Behind them, a coach was yelling. Confusion rippled through the stands and across the ice, but none of that mattered. Only one thing did—finding Kennedy.

We moved quickly away from the curious gazes. Carter met us outside, his dark shirt clinging to his powerful body; he’d pulled off his pads and dressed as quickly as possible.

“Kennedy was in danger, I sent Sunny to bring her back to the arena, and she never fucking arrived. Sunny’s gone dark.”

“Any leads?” Jack’s voice was steady, controlled, despite the fury in his gaze.

It was my fucking fault she was gone, but none of them said anything. All of us had a laser focus on getting our girl back.

“Working on it. We swept the arena, then branched out. The asshole who distracted us is being interrogated now.”

“Got it,” Sebastian’s voice was clipped.

“Let’s move,” I ordered, leading the way.

The cold air of the arena bit at my skin, but I barely felt it. My phone vibrated against my thigh. I yanked it out, expecting it was Sunny with news about Kennedy, or at least news about Sunny.

Instead, I saw an unfamiliar number topped by the words “Lab Results.”

I hadn’t been willing to wait for the results after Kennedy took that test.

“She’s pregnant,” I mumbled to Jack and Sebastian, the weight of those words so heavy my shoulders tensed.

“Kennedy?” Sebastian's voice was tight.

“Yeah,” I said, shoving the phone back into my pocket. It should’ve been a moment of joy.

But the joy was strangled before it could take its first breath, suffocated by the terror of not knowing where she was, if she was safe, and if our child was safe.

“We’ll find her,” Jack said. “Them.We’ll find them, and they’ll be okay.”


There was no time for fear or blaming each other right now.

Only one thing mattered.

Protecting our family.


Ipaced the room, over and over again until I thought I was going crazy. The room was perfectly bare with the exception of the furniture and whatever was inside the locked filing cabinets, not even a pen lid for me to try and use as a weapon.

I tried to pick up the office cabinet, but whatever was in there weighed a thousand tons, so I couldn’t even get it to move an inch.

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