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“He chose it himself. I never asked or gave him ideas,” I say honestly. “I had no idea he had that talent.”

She glances at me. “You really didn’t know he was going to propose?”

“Honestly… no. It was a big shock,” I say dryly.

“Well, my son always did have excellent taste. But wow, a proposal,” she says with an airy laugh. “I just didn’t know he had it in him, bless his little heart.”

I’m freezing up with my face on fire.

God, I must be blushing so hard she’ll probably worry about heat stroke.

I’m no good at acting.

Even with Nana, I would’ve been sunk without Dexter filling in the blanks, and at least I had an idea what she was going to say. Here, I’m flying blind.

“Call it an instinct, I guess. The man knows what I like.” I smile ear to ear, hoping it covers up my awkwardness.

“Certainly. I suppose I’ve never seen him in love before. Frankly, I never imagined it. After everything he went through, I—I just didn’t think it was in the cards,” she says thoughtfully before laughing again. Then she grins at me and takes another bite of her torte. “He really must be smitten to know you so well and pick something so beautiful.”

Smitten—him?—the idea is ludicrous.

Except for the way he laid down that soul-stealing kiss.

The ring’s a showstopper and expensive as hell, no argument, and those are the only two things he’d have thought of before buying it.

But the idea that he’s never been in love before cuts deep, and that cryptic comment about ‘everything he’s been through’ makes me curious. Has his mother never really met another girlfriend?

I’m his first, and we have an expiration date.

I can’t be thefirst.

My mind stumbles over the whole idea.

Ultrarich Dexter Rory has never brought a girl home and now it’s me and we’re going to break all their hearts when everything falls apart.

No wonder he didn’t want his family to know.

I want to run and hide. To lock myself in the bathroom. To panic some more.

I want Delly to disappear, to wipe her memory, to stop piling pressure on my shoulders until I feel like I’m about to snap like a tree in an ice storm.

Distantly, I hear the door open, but I don’t look up until heavy footsteps stride toward me quickly and someone pulls out the empty chair next to me.

“Junie,” Dexter says, catching my hand in his when I jump. “Didn’t mean to startle you, sweetheart. I came as soon as Arch told me Mom was plotting an ambush.” He leans in and presses a kiss to my cheek.

Just a peck—God, how can a peck be so intense—and it sets my face on fire.

I don’t know how I keep smiling as he slides an arm over my shoulders.

This is normal.

We’re normal.

A nice, normal, happily engaged couple.

Hahaha, yes.

Although, if you’d look at Dexter, you’d actuallybelieveit. His performance is still on point, freakishly casual and organic.
