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Another date.

Another important family member to impress.

Another lie.

More people we have to deceive to keep this big ball of crazy going.

Even if we’re getting better at this, something’s got to give.

You can only stack up lies high enough before the whole tower comes crashing down, and if it lands us in a world of hurt, what then?

“There’s something else I had to bring in person,” he says slowly, watching me warily. “For your trouble.”

What’s he talking about?

His hand drifts out of his pocket, clasping a small grey box with gold lettering.

Oh no.

Oh no, no, no.

When he opens it, revealing what I’m dreading, I don’t remember how to breathe.

A freaking ring.

And not just any ring.

No, this is a ring from Dexter Rory, a man who never learned how to do anything without going all out.

Of course, it’s gorgeous enough to make me stupid.

All diamond-studded white gold with a sparkling blue stone in the middle. The whole vibe is both delicate and totally over the top.

I’m already in love with the wretched thing.

And Ihatethat I love it.

“There’s no sense in being subtle anymore. Counting my brothers, a shit ton of people know we’re engaged,” he explains. “No one will believe I’ve proposed without a ring on your finger.”

“Oh my God.” I’m hyperventilating. “You just… you went and… you bought me an engagement ring?” I say faintly, knowing full well there’s no doubt.

An engagement ring.

Those three little words feel completely alien.

His face blanks, but he’s smiling with his eyes, midnight-blue apologies sparkling like stars.

“Forrest Haute’s one thing, but my mother’s another. I’m sorry if it’s not your style, Junie. There’s still time to swap it out.”

“Are you insane?”

I could have searched the world twice over and not found an engagement ring half this magnificent. This man, who doesn’t even know me, is some sort of psychic jewelry genius.

“It’s really pretty,” I whisper.

“It’s yours to keep when this is over. Don’t even fucking ask how much it costs,” he says. “Sell it, keep it, give it to your cat, whatever. I’m sure this isn’t the type of engagement you ever wanted—and technically, it’s not. I’m just goddamned grateful you’re willing to go along with it.”

Technically, it’s not.
