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God, it’s suddenly too hot in here.

Dex’s arm presses against my shoulders with a slight pressure that reminds me he’s here.

He’s doing everything he can.

He’s here, acting his heart out and handling Nana delicately so he can satisfy my end of the deal and fix his mistakes.

My heart swells.

“Hmmm. Interesting answer,” Nana says, sitting back in her chair. “I guess I won’t have to chase you out of here with a shotgun just yet. If you’re good to my Junie, then you’re good to me, and from what I’ve seen this evening, sir, you know how to make her smile.”

The tension dissipates so fast I feel like I’ve been dropped back into my own body.

Holy crap.

We pulled it off.

She believes his fake boyfriend act.

She likes him.

In the long run, that makes this whole thing so much worse. But tonight, it’s the win we need.

“Junie, be a dear and come help me find a new bottle of wine.” Nana gets up from the table and beckons me over.

With a longing glance, Dexter removes his arm and I head into her walk-in pantry. She closes the pocket door behind me.

“Okay, let’s hear it. What do you really think?” I ask.

“Oh, he’swonderful!” she whispers. “Don’t you dare let a man like him slip through your fingers, missy.”

I sigh.

Did I mention there were drawbacks to spinning the perfect illusion?

“He’s Dex,” I say simply.

So convincing. Great acting, Junie.

“Truth be told, he reminds me a little of your grandfather when he was young,” she says, clasping her hands together, a dreamy look on her face.

Oh no. Now she’s showering him with the highest praise.

Granddad died when I was a kid so I don’t remember much. Just the odd sun-bleached memory at the back of my head. But I do remember the way they looked at each other and that vibrant smile I haven’t seen on Nana’s face since he left.

“No way,” I say, almost out of habit.

“Yes, yes.” She opens the wine fridge and starts sifting through bottles. “You’re young and in love and you’re making your old grandmother jealous.”

Then I see it.

She moves quickly, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.

I’m instantly sliced in half.

I have a sudden urge to drop the act and fess up, to fall to my knees and confess my stupidity, to tell her I’m sonotin love with Dexter Rory.

We’re barely on speaking terms.
