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It’s not like he flashes me a quick smolder, hinting that a small, horny part of himmightwant to finish what we started.

It’s not like my imagination is a startled horse, tramping the normal, sane thoughts I should be having.

We’re just heading out on a date with my love and idol.

This ispeachy.

“Hey,” I say, my voice irritatingly breathy. “Thanks for the ride.”

I half expect him to make a snide comment about my building or the area we’re driving through—maybe about being glad he hasn’t been mugged yet—but he just glances at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

“You’re welcome. You look good tonight.”

Oh, wow. So I’m getting nice Dexter today.

That should probably comfort me or make me feel even a little relaxed, but instead my heartbeat notches up.

I’m almost wishing for that asshole comment that never comes.Anythingto remind me why I don’t like him.

“Thanks,” I say. “Um, you too.”

Nodding, he uses the turn signal to fight through traffic, and damn, I like him a little more for it.

“Sorry about my brothers barging in last time and the hasty exit. We had business,” he says. “Believe it or not, Patton sincerely liked you.”

“Well, I liked him.” I smile, laughing at the instant scowl that storms his face. “I mean, not enough to do a fake paid relationship or anything. Unless he pays better than you.”

“Careful, Sweet Stuff,” he growls. “You played right into his hands. He’s a born charmer and he likes using his powers for evil. Never misses a chance to show off.”

I laugh and it hits me then.

When Dexter’s not scowling, Patton isn’t the only charmer, butthat’sa thought I’m not entertaining. Instead, I just examine the enormous screen to the right of the steering wheel, where a map plots our route to Nana’s house.

“This is pretty impressive. I like all the glass in here.”

“I should probably apologize for what happened that night,” he interrupts. Probably a good thing—I was about to say something inane. “Back at the office, I mean.”

“What, your brothers? You already did and it’s cool. Though I’m not sure your older brother likes me very much.”

“Archer likes about three things in life and two of those are his son and beer. The other involves tearing me a new asshole.” Dexter sighs, his fingers tightening on the steering wheel, knuckles bulging before he relaxes. “I was talking about our dance, Juniper.”

Oh, crud.

“Oh, sure.” I clench my hands together. “But you did it to make a point, didn’t you? It basically worked…”

“Maybe so, but I’m not doing anything that makes you uncomfortable. I overstepped the line. Shit, if Archer and Colt hadn’t shown up when they did, I might’ve—fuck, never mind.”


Just like that, I’m dizzy again, my blood heating by the second.

If only hehaddone something truly unspeakable.

Then I could tell him I never want it to happen again.

We could move on, and somehow that feels easier.

But I can stillfeelhis hand against the small of my back.
