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I really hate that he’s the one who gave me the idea, and it might turn out to be a good one.

I make a list of ingredients we’ll need on my notepad, chewing the end of the pen as I think.

Lots of high-grade neon-green matcha for sure, if I’m going to commit to a proper matchamisu. Although I should probably make a few trial runs and test them out on the shop floor first.

And what about the macarons?

I’d probably be better off starting with some basics like raspberry and white chocolate, then move on to something a little more interesting like salted caramel or red velvet cake.

A light, gentle flavor to offset all the heavier stuff we sell.

Also, if we’re making a lot more deliveries, is it worth employing some kind of courier service? Or would it be better to break down and buy a bigger van that doesn’t leak oil?

So much to consider and so little time…

“What do you think?” Sarah whispers from the counter—probably to Jake, who’s scheduled with her today. “Do you reckon Juniper and Big Fish aredating?”

“Dating? You serious?” Jake sounds surprised.

“Well, he kept coming in to talk to her, right? That’s what you said. Weird for a guy that busy.”

“Yeah, he hit on Emmy, too.” Jake has a gruff note to his voice and I suppress a grin.

No wonder Jake doesn’t like Dexter if he thinks the guy was hitting onhiscrush.

Not that I think Dexter would, not seriously—she’s barely twenty. Whatever else he may be, I can’t imagine him robbing the cradle.

“But she didn’t see him. Junie avoided that dude like a curse,” Jake says.

“Yes, but you don’t get it. He kept coming. He waited until Nana Winkley showed up after close, I heard. Hehuggedher.”

“Nana Winkley?” Jake whistles.

“No, idiot!” Sarah sighs like he’s being stupid—which, in all honesty, he is. “He huggedJunie.”

Jake snorts. “Aw, hell. How do you know that?”

“I saw it on the security cam the next day when I was doing my usual check to see if there’s anything worth saving to the cloud. That storage isn’t cheap.”

Oh my God.

The camera.

I slam my head down on the bench with athunk!

Of course. The security cam might be the only modern thing we have. Only, now it’s turned into an unexpected spy tool for my gossipy staff.

“So, what? You think they’re dating because they hugged in front of Nana?” Jake says skeptically.

“When does she ever hug a guy? I mean… when does she ever go on a date?”

The long silence between them suffocates me.

Leave it to the kids to humiliate a grown woman without even trying.

“Huh,” Jake agrees. There’s another longish pause. “Can’t say you’re wrong. I just figured she had a couple guys on the down-low. Most girl boss types still have a sex life, don’t they? They just don’t broadcast it to the entire world.”

“You’re a dating coach now?” Sarah laughs loudly. “But she has been landing all those big orders, I guess. There must be a reason that office wants to keep paying our salaries. It makessense.”
