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The check is a deposit, I guess. I’ll receive the other half after 180 days of pretending to be his fiancée.

But it seems he doesn’t want to do this as much as me, because he’s also written that to make it ‘as painless as possible for both parties,’ there are negotiable terms and minimal appearances together. There’s even a lawyer set up to keep this nice and legal. Rory only expects a few brief interactions to ensure his deal goes through.

I snort as I reach the end.

We can keep this strictly professional without any improper contact, Miss Winkley. No kissing, no touching, no sharing beds.

Unless, of course, you’d like to negotiate that part too.

Oh my God.

Gag me.

There’s no earthly way I would ever willingly kiss Dexter Rory—much less sleep with him and Idomean sleep—so that’s going to be a requirement of any deal.

Or anti-requirement or whatever.

No kissing.

No sweet caresses.

No holding hands.

No anything.

There are enough married couples in the world who treat their spouses like they have the plague. It’s notthatweird if we always keep a few feet between us, right?

I drink another mouthful of wine and swallow too quickly, coughing in my hand.

When it’s written out like this, the arrangement sounds ever-so-slightly less insane than his first proposal.

It doesn’t excuse his little ambush at my store, though.

Whatever he wants, he can leave my family the hell out of it.

I turn the note over, feeling the paper under my fingers. He’s got good handwriting, too, the bastard.

At the top of what looks like Dexter’s personal letterhead, there’s an address.

I take another gulp of wine and set the bottle down on the counter. Dexter isn’t the only one who can spring surprises.

And wouldn’t it be funto see where he lives when he’s not stomping around barking orders? I wonder what sort of outrageously lavish pond Big Fish calls home.

For luck—and courage—I take a few more swigs of wine. Then I open a can of cat food and dump it in Catness’ bowl.

He comes darting over instantly, swishing his tail and singing the dinner song of his people.

“Don’t worry, boy, I’ll be back soon,” I tell him, grabbing my keys before I head out the door.

If he won’t leave me alone, it’s time to get even.

Time to pay Dexter Rory a visit and remind him what an absolute vile dick he is in person.



My knuckles ache like hell.
