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“Well, when are we having dinner?” She bats her eyes. “We simply must introduce him to the whole family.”


“I’m just saying. It’s high time everybody knows you’ve found someone new after that last little heartbreaking scoundrel—and what a yummy catch, indeed.”

This is it.

This is how I die.

Complete and utter humiliation at the hands of my loving grandmother who doesn’t have a clue she’s pinning her hopes on a human rattlesnake.

“Whatever. If you bring up Liam again—”

“Oh, honey, you know I don’t mean to. I just know how you wound up so hurt, especially when you thought he was so close to putting that ring on your finger. But moving on is the right thing to do. Theonlything that’s natural, and bless you for doing it.”


“Nana, I told you before, I’ve been over Liam for a long time,” I say, waving a dismissive hand.

Yet here I am.

Lying through my teeth for another self-absorbed rich jerk just so I don’t have to remember the one who had the audacity to inform me he’d gone as far as buying a ring before deciding I work too much and my boring little life wasn’t enough for him.

Of course, the fact that he told me after he started shopping for a replacement girl on Tinder and I found out when a friend screenshotted his profile was just the rotten cherry on top.

“Yes, yes, I just wasn’t sure,” Nana says. “With how much you practically live at the bakery—”

“I’m still getting my feet wet. And, um, I don’t need a new boyfriend to prove I’m over the last scumbag, thank you.”

“Ah, but now that youhavea new man, you really should let your family meet him, Junie.” Nana frowns, the lines around her eyes deepening. It’s easy to forget that she’s old. Fading. Fragile. “Can’t you let an old woman have her silly dreams? All I want is to see you happy and settled before I go. Is that so awful, honey?”


Just like that, she smacks my heart down like a kitten with yarn.

My heart also lurches, just thinking about the inevitable.

Death comes to us all, eventually, but I want to keep thinking Nana will last forever. She’s too strong to waltz off with any grinning reaper.

“Nana, come on. Don’t be like that.”

“We’re not granted endless time here, Junie. When you’re my age, well, you’ll understand.”

“I know, but—” Ah hell, I’m going to have to give in, aren’t I? Between Dexter and Nana’s pity, I don’t have a chance. “Fine. I’ll speak to him about coming to Sunday lunch. Sometime. But you have to promise not to get too excited, okay? We’re both crazy busy with work and—and honestly, we barely see each other. Who knows, it might not even work out—”

I don’t get to finish.

Not when Nana lays her hand on mine, stopping me in my tracks.

“Oh, Junie. Commitment can be scary, especially when it’s for life,” she whispers, her eyes glowing with empathy. “Just trust me. You’ll never find true love if you hide from it too long.”

“Yeah. Love.” I swallow so hard I almost choke.

Yep. Still planning his murder in my head.

I wonder if anyone will notice if I bake a rich real estate guy into a pie one little piece at a time. Hey, it almost worked for Sweeney Todd.

“Yes, yes,” Nana croons, cracking open her glass container and unleashing a heavenly smell. “Now, how about a bite of cheesecake to celebrate?”
