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This man—this total dickhead-friedturd—is using my own grandmother against me.

I never fathomed he’d go this low.

And I wonder how long it’ll be until someone comments on my face turning a lethal shade of red.

“It’s fine,” Rory says calmly, quickly approaching me.

Holy shit, no, he’s going to hug me, and—

And I don’t know what to do about it.

There’s nothing Icando when I’m having an out-of-body experience.

I just stand there like a scared puppy as he pulls me against him.

Meanwhile, Nana beams over his enormous shoulder like he’s just handed her a seat to my wedding and the whole mess of great grandkids she’s been waiting for since I turned twenty.

All because he can’t just be normal. Oh no.

Dexter Rory just has to be this delicious, smooth-talking, diabolical devil treat that Nana thinks I’ve been hiding from the family.

I hate him.

Like actualhate.

I thought I loathed him before, but this—thisis genuine fire-breathing disgust. I just want to rip his cold, dead, still-beating heart from his body andburnit for turning Nana against me.

For making it impossible to erase that hopeful, happy look from her face.

“I can’t believe it, Junie,” Nana trills as soon as Dexter releases me. “And oh, sweetie, you’re redder than a Maine lobster. Is it the humidity? If you need me to look at your A/C this week, I can do that too.”


My eyes whip to Lucifer just in time to catch the tiniest smirk. Yeah, he’s not faking that one.

If justified murder was legal in this state, I’d have pushed his face into a fresh batch of dough and smothered him by now.

“I remember those days,” Nana says absently, oblivious to the river of tension flowing between us. She cups her hand against her cheek and I know exactly what she’s going to say.

No, no, no, please don’t do it.

But she’s going to.

She’s about to reminisce about her perfect romance with my granddad.

And she’s going to compare it to me and this selfish snake I’m supposed to be fake engaged to.

If she mentions Liam, I’ll definitely scream.

“When your granddad and I were dating—after we got married even—he’d just walk into a room and I’d get all flustered.” Nana gives me a look that saysfinally.

That isnotwhat’s going on here.

“I’m so glad you finally found someone else,” she says to me. “I know getting over Liam—”

“Nope. This conversation is over,” I say, throwing up a hand and trying to hold it without trembling. “Nana, hold on. I think I should probably clear the air before—”

“No need. I’m sorry for skipping out on you last night, princess. Had to work late,” Dexter says.Princess?I glare at him, but he just shoves an envelope into my hand. “That’s why I dropped by. I hope these concert tickets will make up for the change of plans.”
