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On second thought, Dex wins.

I don’t want to take my time.

I want to feel him inside me.

I want my husbandnow.

I yank his t-shirt up and he gets the memo, hauling it off and pulling my sweater away just as fast. A few seconds later and our clothes are heaped on the floor.

I grab him and pull him down on me.

“I want you,” I murmur, positioning myself so he’s right at my entrance. “Dex, please.”

“Now who’s eager?” He flicks his tongue over one nipple, then the other. They’re standing at attention, delightfully sensitive in the warm air. “Say please.”

“If I didn’t love you, I’d hate you right now.”

“Say ‘pretty please,’ wife. Beg for my cock.”

Oh, I love the sound of that. It’s almost as hot as the way our bodies are joining right now.

I don’t wait for him, though.

I pull him closer. I’m so wet he pushes in with one stroke.

“I’m your wife,” I tell him. “And I want you to fuck me.” I wait just long enough for the amusement to flicker in his eyes. “Please. Pretty please.”

He moves, swiveling his hips, sinking deeper.

The moan that spills out of me echoes through the cabin.

“Let it go, sweetheart. There’s no one around,” he says as he settles his body fully over mine. “Make as much noise as you want. The louder the better.”

We fall into a familiar rhythm, and I arch my back into his hands at my breasts.

This time, it feels different—charged with emotion and this special intensity that draws me to the edge faster than usual.

The tension, the tightness, the pleasure, the steady drumming of his thrusts carry me higher until I’m about to snap.

My legs are shaking, desperately clutching his sides as he picks up speed.

“That’s it. That’s fucking it,” he urges. His voice is clipped, too, grating with the same urgency that’s driving me crazy. Husband and wife. Married and mated. “Come for me, Junie. Come now.”

It’s almost embarrassing how well he has me trained.

I shatter apart on his words as he plunges deep.

As I squeeze around him, as my soul blows apart, he finishes too, heaving white-hot fire into my depths with his face screwed up and one animalistic growl after the next tearing from his throat.

When we collapse on the bed together, I’m boneless.

Later, we’ll explore every room in this place, christen every surface, but for now it’s enough that we’re in bed, tangled together with his breath flowering across my damp skin.

Husband and wife.


