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“Wait.” I ease back a bit so I can look at him. There’s an embarrassing wet patch on his shoulder from my tears. “What are you saying, Dex? You talk like it’s a done deal, like it’s all just that easy.”

“Does it need to be more complicated? I spoke with my brothers this morning. After they asked me a hundred times if the blood loss did any permanent brain damage, we agreed to restructure our duties and take on a couple new hires to help me analyze new properties. I’ve never been surer of anything in my life, even if it took me thirty-two years to realize it.”

“That’s you, all right,” I say with a smile that’s breaking my face. “It takes a lot to convince you, but once your mind is made up,watch out.”

He chuckles and brings me closer to his lips.

“I’m reducing my hours at the company, effective immediately. Stepping back. With more time on my hands, I’ll figure out this whole work-life balance everyone raves about.”

This is probably the time when I should say something big and important, but I’m just opening and closing my mouth like a fish sucking air.

“Life is fragile as hell,” he tells me, more of that warmth in his voice spilling out until it drowns me. And baby, I go down willingly. “Didn’t realize just how much until this past week when I could’ve lost it all. When I almost lostyou.”

“What about the company?” I manage. “It’s a big move. You’re positive they can manage without you there all the time?”

“Higher Ends will survive just fine without me chained to it. We’ll fill in the gaps. With the Mill deal blown, maybe our profits won’t be as big for the next few years as we adjust to slower growth, but that’s okay. There are more important things. Like driving you up the wall.”


I must be dreaming.

No way are we in this dingy alley charting all these dreams—all these ginormouschanges—just for me.

No way is Dexter Rory altering the constellations in the sky to make me happy.

Oh, but he is, and it’s so freaking beautiful I’m riding this high, and I never want to come down.

“I love you, Juniper Winkley,” he says, and his face has lost its smile. He’s deadly serious as he looks at me. “I’ve known it for a while, but I pretended I didn’t because we told ourselves it was make-believe. Now, I’m not afraid. It was always real to me, and if you’ll have me, I want to find out how sweet life can be. Together.”

“Dude, stop. I’m out of tears,” I warn him, fighting my trembling lips. But he pulls me into him for a second time and I let him. “Jesus. Dex, do you have to be so cheesy with the sweet puns?”

He knows I’m laughing after every word.

And he chuckles again, the happiness reverberating through his chest. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Too sweet for you after all?”

“You’re obnoxious,” I whisper fondly, my eyes brimming again. But this time—and it feels insane that it can happen this fast—it’s from joy.

Dexter has my whole heart in his palm, but instead of crushing it, he’s giving it new life.

“But I love you, too. You overbearing, irritating, unromantic—”

His kiss shuts me up.

Perfectly timed.

There, I taste my tears, the salt mingling with the leftover sweetness from the cake pop. His lips are gentle at first, a reassurance rather than a demand.

His fingers linger on my chin, tilting my face to his, and even though I’m arguably the most disgusting creature alive right now, he tightens his arm around my waist, holding me against him tightly enough until I lose track of where I end and he begins.

Sothisis what love is supposed to feel like.

“I don’t usually do second chances,” he mutters against my mouth. “But I think we deserve it this time. Don’t you?”

I tug his face back down to mine, so giddy I’m grateful he’s holding me so I don’t float away.

“Of course. Now shut it and kiss me again.”

