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“They all work very hard,” I hedge.

“The company is everything,” she says, her voice too brittle. “That became their life while I wished they’d share it with more than just work. With Dexter now, and you two getting married, there’s hope.”

Talk about heavy.

“I’m sorry,” I offer again, unsure how to process the fact that her hopes for a happy family are riding on me.

I tighten my hold on the mug, trying not to spill coffee.

“Another thing. Dexter didn’t smile so much before,” she says suddenly. “He worked and he felt proud of his achievements, yes. Heaven knows he made a lot of himself, but he neversmiledafter the accident.”

I swallow. The stupid lump in my throat comes back with a vengeance.

“And then you came along like a whirlwind,” she says. “I knew he was in love with you before I even met you. You make him smile again.”

I don’t know what to say.

The thought rips at my heartstrings until I forget how to breathe, and I tighten my hold on the mug, needing to feel some warmth.

To know I’m still here, still grounded, still Junie.

Even though I make Dexter smile.

“Well, I shouldn’t keep rambling. You’ve heard enough.” Delly’s eyes gleam as she looks at me. “But you brought back something he lost that day,” she tells me, and I listen to the way her words ring in my head, saying everything I’ve ever wanted to hear. “Something I thought he’d never find. You make himhappy.”


I don’t know if I can describe the Dexter I’ve seen last week ashappy, but then I remember the way he made love to me on the balcony, the smile he gives me when I wake up in his arms.

The way he always kisses me like I’m his first and last kiss.

If that isn’t joy, I don’t know what is.

But if it’s all true, why is he so moody over Haute? What isn’t he telling me?

Is it really Haute at all or is he afraid to admit he’s feeling the same things I am—everything we’re both too scared to say?



Idon’t see Junie much over the next few days.

The possibility that I’m subconsciously avoiding her is fucking with my head.

Work always brings an easy distraction, though there’s nothing easy about it lately. Not when we don’t have any clue what we’re up against with Haute yet.

Every passing second is just another second where both Junie and Higher Ends could be in danger.

Hell, my entire damn world might be in danger, and I don’t know how to fix it.

“Dexter?” Archer’s voice cuts through the grim thoughts.

I blink at him over the long wooden conference room table.

“I’m listening,” I lie, slowly maneuvering a pen in my fingers as I glance at the clock.

The delivery people picking up Junie’s latest order for Haute are due in about an hour. I need to wrap up here and get the hell over there.
