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You could island hop Hawaii and Fiji with her for a month without breaking a sweat, feasting on fresh coconut and Haleakala sunrises and worry-free kisses in paradise.

I have to physically shake the thought from my head to evict it.

What the hell is wrong with me?

There’s no time for long vacations and lazy days in the sun. Once the arrangement ends, that’s out of the cards forever.

Daydreaming must be a nasty side effect of the best sex of my life with Juniper Winkley.

“Life passes by too quickly,” Haute mutters. “The things I’d do if I were your age again, Rory.”

There he goes again.

Laying his beady eyes on my girl like he’s man enough to eye fuck her.

He fucking isn’t.

I swear, if this heap of flattery over the bakery has been some weird ruse to invite Junie into a threesome or some shit, I’ll shoot the deal dead on the spot. Then I’ll be promptly dragged away in handcuffs for shooting Haute himself, too.

“No sense in living with regrets or wandering eyes. Take a cue from our women,” I growl, forcing this back to the point. “I think their energy bodes well for our future. The Mill has big plans coming together.”

Haute lifts his eyebrows and finally gives me his full attention.

Polite, but reserved.

“Moreplans since we last spoke? You must really want to impress me, Rory. You never take a day off, do you?”

I shrug, grateful he can’t see inside my head. He’d know the only thing I want to do is grab him by the throat and throttle him.

“We don’t slow down once we have a green light.” I toss back my whiskey. “We want to make your baby the pride of Kansas City, just like the old days when it was an active grain mill. We’re out to combine living history with luxury rental.”

“As long as your lofty plans include a little sugar,” Haute says with a wink.

Goddamn, I can never read him well.

Does he ever stop thinking about pastries and drooling over other women for five minutes? Even to talk money and logistics?

“You know I made it part of the deal,” I assure him, trying to keep the impatience from my voice. It’s like he’s hanging back deliberately, although that doesn’t make sense.

With his current venture hemorrhaging money, he should want to get this whole thing underway as soon as possible now that he’s committed.

I don’t like the fact that he’s dragging his feet.

He turns his smile to Junie, though, who senses his interest and meets his eyes. “Miss Winkley, you must allow me to tell you how impressed I am with your baking, my dear.”

Junie flushes the same way she does every time someone gives her a compliment, though it must be the tenth time from him tonight.

Excessive, even for Haute.

Again, what’s he doing? Trying to piss me off?

“Well, thank you, again. I’m honored you enjoy it.”

“Modesty doesn’t suit you, sweetie,” Clara says with a loud laugh. “If I had your skills and your looks, I’d be at the next Arrowhead stadium home game, waiting for half the city to worship the ground I walk on. Not to mention throw money at my feet. Youaremaking a bundle off this, yes?”

Junie’s face goes tight, clearly lost for words.

“She isn’t in it for the money. That’s not my girl,” I say, holding out my arm. She tucks into my side with pure relief shining on her face. “Junie works better when people aren’t showering her with praise. Don’t you, sweetheart?”
