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Fucking creep.

It’s like he’s trying to piss me off on purpose.

Also, something about his tone suggests he doesn’t think it’s beautiful at all.

I grit my teeth, knowing I need to calm the mood here before I tell him to keep his fat eyes in his own head.

“It reminds me a little of your proposal,” Clara says to Haute, fingering her ring like she needs the reassurance. The rock looks so heavy it must be a chore to wear. “Do you remember it, kitten?”

Kitten? Him?

A brief scowl flashes across his face, but after a second he smiles again, oozing that urbane charm he wields like a shield. “I wasn’t nearly as eloquent as Dexter here.”

“You, off your game? I’m surprised to hear it,” I say neutrally. “You seem like a natural planner, and so am I. With romance, I was a little more spontaneous.”

“It took me by surprise.” Junie’s hand tightens on my arm. “I wasn’t expecting it at all.”

“You were expecting me to propose,” I say, because it’s true. I made my intentions very clear right from the start. “At least we’d talked about it a bit.”

“Oh, yes, I remember.” She nudges me with her shoulder. “But that doesn’t mean I was expecting you to pull a ring out of a freaking cupcake.”

I think back to her jaw dropping shock when I’d offered her the ring like a total goon.

No strings attached, no need to give it back.

At the time, I thought her shock was down to its extravagance. Not because I’d offered her one at all.

I don’t know what else she expected when we were launching a self-serving fake engagement.

Although maybe turning up at her apartment with it wasn’t the best approach. Maybe I should’ve eased her into it and taken her out for dinner or something first.

What was it she said at my house that night?

Something about toasting the only engagement she’ll ever get?

This weird regret washes over me.

When this really is over, I hope it doesn’t hurt like a bitch.

Saddling this sunny young woman with any amount of heartache is too fucking much.

“I hope it wasn’t too underwhelming,” I say absently.

“Stop.” She squeezes my arm. “You know it wasn’t. Not at all. How could any woman be disappointed with this beauty?”

She wiggles the hand with the ring on it for emphasis.

There’s no stopping the rough smile on my face.

Yes, I chose it because I thought it was the best compromise between her style and the extravagance my family would expect. I never thought she’d love it so much.

Shit, I never thoughtI’dlove seeing it on her finger.

And that makes me boil every time Haute stares at her a second too long.

“I just can’t get over how sweet it was of Dexter to use desserts to win you over. We’d all kill for a man who shares our passions—or at least knows what they are.” Clara smiles fondly at Junie as the conversation drifts back toward the Sugar Bowl. “You know, I used to do some baking myself, back when I could scare up the time and energy…”

“What do you like to bake?” Junie’s face brightens and I don’t think it’s feigned enthusiasm.
