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But now that I’m here, naked and vulnerable, I’m aching for him to finish what he’s started.

And his smile is a smug hit to my senses as he drops his pants and boxers. I turn around and offer myself to him, grinding against his cock in invitation.

He makes a noise somewhere between a chuckle and guttural delight.

And finally, as the city lights glitter like hanging garlands and the sunset fades, he grabs my hips, digging his fingers in.

He makes me breathe.

Then—and only then—he thrusts.

When I feel him, I scream, pushing back against him, engulfing his cock.

“Junie, fuck! If pussy could kill…” The way he rasps is almost enough to make me come instantly. “You don’t know what you do to me.”

“Show me,” I grind out, squeezing the railings.

He starts moving, building the rhythm until he’s a human piston, slamming into me harder and faster with every stroke.

If I wasn’t in flames, I might be embarrassed at how fast I come.

But there’s no room for that.

No space for anything else in my head except the white lightning surging in my core and short-circuiting everything from head to toe.

“Go, sweetheart. Come fucking hard for me,” he growls in my ear.

His rough voice accents every pump.

Every savage thrust.

Every lost breath as my orgasm throws me around on his cock.

And he’s rolling my nipple in one hand, swiveling my hips back into his thrusts with the other.

Holy shit.

I’m not sure I’ll ever have a functional sex life again. Not after this.

Honestly, I don’t care.

I’m ready to be ruined by this bruising, relentless cock and the beautiful soul it’s attached to—just like I’m ready to hand Dexter Rory my already shredded heart.

“Let them see you, Junie. Let the stars see us. Let them watch and come for meagain,” he rasps, all hot breath and brutal intent against my neck.

His teeth play with my flesh.

It’s almost unnatural how I respond.

The heat builds, tension tightening like a cord between us until I feel like I’ll combust from the sheer force of it as his thrusts come faster.



My pussy clenches around him, deliciously greedy, and he presses a kiss between my shoulders before he gently bites the flesh.

“That’s fucking right, Sweet Stuff. I’ve got you. I’m here. And I’m going to come inside you.”
