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“With you, Sweet Stuff, I’ll never come back down.”

Her cheeks heat and she turns back to the fridge, her hands stilling for a second. The entire day’s been busy as hell. All the running around hasn’t left much chance to speak aboutus,or the fact that she’s been stuck in my head.

Her reaction tells me she’s not ready, anyway.


Considering I don’t do serious relationships, it’s probably good we don’t try to put a label on this fuckery.

It’s enough that she’s here in my kitchen, safe and soon-to-be-fucked, racking her brain to figure out how to cook lobster when it’s probably new to her.

“How can I help?” I step up as she investigates my cupboards and fetches some potatoes, garlic, sprigged thyme, and lettuce.

“You can get me a drink.”

“You got it.”

There’s some chardonnay in the wine cellar, so I grab us a bottle and pour her a glass. She nudges me with her shoulder in thanks and takes a sip.

“I needed that. It’s been a day,” she says.

She doesn’t have to tell me. I’ve spent the whole day on the phone between her landlord, my brothers, and Haute’s secretary, but this isn’t about me.

I just lean back against the counter and watch her work. A lock of cinnamon-red hair falls over her face and she tucks it back impatiently.

“Tell me about it,” I demand.

Junie purses her lips as she skewers the lobsters and lowers them into water. “I hate this part,” she says. “It just feels a little cruel.”

“They’re perfectly dead, woman. I’m not quite the monster you think I am.”

She smiles quietly and I wait for more.

“Sometimes I just wonder if I’m like these lobsters. You know? Struggling along before I’m caught and plunged into boiling water and—” She bites her lip and looks down at the pot.

I shove back the urge to take her in my arms. That isn’t what she needs right now. “You’re talking about the store?”

“I’ve always loved baking, ever since I was a little kid. I used to bake with my mom, and after she died, with Nana. It’s always been in my blood.” She shrugs and turns around, peeling potatoes with stiff shoulders. “I helped out with the store right from the beginning and I fell in love with baking. But now I’m its owner, and…”

“And the water’s boiling,” I finish.

The corner of her mouth tightens. “I’ve never had Nana’s head for business. I try, but there are so many things beyond my control, so much I still don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, the money has helped massively so we don’t sink. But it’s just a lucky windfall. At the end of the day, the store needs to drive business and make money on its own. I may be richer, but I still don’t know where to go, Dex.”

“Hey.” I step forward, running a hand down her back. She doesn’t look up, though her weight shifts so she’s leaning on me. “You don’t have to do this alone, you know.”

“I know.”

“Have another drink.” I kiss her neck, loving the shiver that runs through her. “We’ll talk about it over dinner. I’ve still got that report I made for you. There are a few directions you could go, depending on what you’d prefer.”

She blinks rapidly and her peeler stills. “Thanks, Dex.”

“You haven’t heard my suggestions yet.”

“No, but… It’s just nice, having someone on my side for once. Nana’s amazing, but she always wants to move in and take over if she even thinks I’m stumbling. Sometimes I’m just venting, not asking for advice or for her to come rushing to my rescue.” She sighs. “God, listen to me. Cooking lobster and complaining about owning a business at twenty-four.”


I curl both hands around her waist until she’s locked against me.
