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She kisses me back with the same blooming passion she had yesterday, and as soon as I’ve thrown the duvet to one side, she slides a hand down my stomach to where my cock waits.

“It’s a new day and it’s my turn,” she whispers, breaking the kiss and trailing her lips down my neck, my chest, my abs, until they finally join her hands.

Shit, shit.

Holy fucking shit.

This hellion knows exactly what she’s doing with that mouth. And by the way she looks at me with such a wicked smile on her lips, she’s enjoying every second, tracing the crown around my swollen head.

She spirals her little tongue into the spot that makes me crazy. I grab the fucking headboard like a man drowning and groan.

Fuck, if she keeps this up, I’ll come like mad in her mouth.

I allow it for a few more minutes, enjoying how she works, how divine she looks with her mouth full of me, struggling to take as much of my length as she can fit.

As tempting as it is to finish and leave her face a mess, my dick has other ideas.

“Enough,” I growl, pulling her up before either of us loses our collective shit. “My turn.”

“Who said you get to call the shots?” she demands, pushing at my shoulders and forcing me back against the pillows as she straddles me.

“You’ll be the death of me, my sweet bossy girl.”

“You better mean that as a compliment.” She grabs my cock and positions it at her pussy entrance then, stroking the head lightly along slick flesh I can’t wait to ruin again.

She’s so fucking wet for me.

Bracing one hand against my chest, she uses the other to rub my cock on her clit, sometimes teasing it at the entrance before sliding it away again. That flush I’m obsessed with heats her cheeks and her breath catches.

“Junie, fuck. You’re playing with fire.” I’m breathless too, seconds away from taking her hips and sliding her onto me hard enough to bruise. “I’m not made of endless patience.”

She laughs and narrows her eyes.

Then in one smooth movement, she drops, her hips falling as she pulls me in balls deep.

The noise I make is obscene, and she leans forward to kiss me, wearing nothing but a siren’s smile.

“Do… Do you like that?” she pants.

“Is the damn sky blue?” I growl back, smacking a crisp hand across her ass.

She shakes so deliciously when she jumps that I almost lose my nut instantly.

“I’m insane for you, Sweet Stuff, and it’s your fault. Don’t tell anyone,” I rasp against her lips before I devour them again, claiming her bottom lip with my teeth.

I bite her as my hips go to work.

The teasing made me so sensitive I can’t string together another sentence, so instead I kiss her harder and deeper, playing with her mouth the same rough way my cock fucks inside her, mimicking the rhythm of our bodies with my tongue.

She moans into my mouth, louder every few strokes. I can’t believe how much I enjoy stealing the breath from her lungs.

The sound alone is almost enough to bring me off.

I want her more than I’ve wanted anything in my entire life.

She tightens around me, her pussy clenching, and I grit my teeth, bracing for the storm in my blood.

My hands grab wildly at her ass, the better to fuck her, to fling her up and down, to ride me so hard she splits in two.
