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The dress, which looked passable enough in the store—though the assistant insisted it would look better on ‘my’ lady—looks like it was made for her.

The sharp dark green brings out the color of her eyes, turning her into a lick of sunshine so vibrant I hate that I can’t have a taste.

I stand, gently lifting Catness off my lap so I can set him down, then walk toward her.

She twirls a full circle, smiling so shyly, letting me see just how the dress cups her ass.

The moment I’ve been trying to forget for two days blazes through my mind.

How fucking close I came to abandoning all common sense and reverting to a blue-balled primate.

I swear, if I hadn’t stopped after that kiss, I would’ve stripped her in the back room and folded her over a table.

I would have fucked her like a man boiling over, knowing how badly she wanted it too.

Shit, shit.

I need to get a hold of myself before I rip that dress right off her.

“You look good,” I tell her, clearing my throat. The lukewarm words are at odds with the erection from hell. She better not look at me too closely. “The color brings out your eyes.”

Her lips turn up, wider than before.

Goddammit, this whole mess is worth it just to see her smile like that, with a lightness she hasn’t had for ages, if she ever had it at all.

“I could never afford something like this,” she confesses. “Are you sure I can keep it?”

“Only if you promise to wear it again.”

A laugh bubbles out of her and my self-control frays more.

“Only if I have somewhere to wear it. This thing would be wasted on the store or Sunday dinners at Nana’s.”

“I’ll take you somewhere nice, dammit,” I promise. “Dinner, somewhere, when it’s all said and done.”

Stupid, really, to make lofty promises when we’re supposed to revert back to being strangers.

Only, when she smiles at me like Aphrodite incarnate, I might just promise her the entire world.

“Hell, you could bring your grandmother along, if you want.” I try to downplay it.

“Nana?” She comes closer, and I barely resist the urge to back away. Or better, march her straight into the bedroom. She’s put makeup on, and the subtle matte shade on her lips makes me want to kiss her like mad. “I never thought you’d want to deal with that again.”

“Right now, I can’t say I want to deal with anyone but you, Sweet Stuff,” I growl, my voice too raw.

Stupid fuck.

Because now she’s looking at me with the same wide-eyed gaze that makes my cock demanding and way too prone to overruling my head.

“Dex…” She licks her lips. For fuck’s sake. “Shouldn’t we go? I think we’re going to be late.”

“Yeah. Good catch.” It’s like she knows it, too. If we don’t get moving, we’ll risk doing something we’ll both regret. “The car’s downstairs.”

“You make a wonderful chauffeur,” she says, accepting my hand. Now she’s closer and I can smell her perfume. Floral, with a few sultry tropical notes that invite me to bend her over the back of the sofa and—

And it’s definitely time to go.

“Pretty sure chauffeurs don’t propose to their clients,” I say, leading her out as she blows Catness a parting kiss.
