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I lick my lips, trying to convince myself that jumping his bones in the middle of my store mightnotbe the best decision.

Then his gaze dips to my mouth, studying my lips like they’re a ripe strawberry.

My breath catches.

I’m so dizzy that if he wasn’t holding me up, I think I’d fall right over again.


Like he needs another chance to notice how pathetically into him I am, craving against my better judgment—againstanyjudgment—and how much my body wants him with an ache that’s obscene.

The desire sinks to my core.

The thought of kissing him again feels like warm water, this steamy liquid gravity pulling me under.

He looks up at me again and the heat in his eyes strips the oxygen from my lungs, brandishing a hunger that ties me in knots.

Holy mother of God.

Worst of all, I think we’re both dumbstruck, too drunk on the moment to even speak.

His breath is too heavy.

It falls across my lips until I can’t think past the urge to let him devour me, to find out what that rough, scary mouth of his can do to me.

What would his kiss feel like on my skin?

What would he do if he knew he could just strip me down and let that evil mouth roam wild and—

His lips slam into mine with a groan erupting from his depths.

I’m toasting a human volcano and it’s as delirious as it sounds.

I can’t feel my legs anymore as he lifts me up, the better to taste me, melting me down in his arms for a heavenly second.

Then he jerks back like I’m electrified, his eyes flicking to mine, stormy and troubled.

“Junie, you can’t do that shit.” He’s snarling when he releases my arm and veers away, cursing under his breath. “I’ll pick you up this weekend. We can talk in more detail after the art show. You’re right, this isn’t the time or place,” he says, his voice burned.

“Dex, I… okay, yeah. This weekend.”

He clears his throat and heads to the door. “I’ll bring you my full report on the Sugar Bowl then. Just send me a few of your financials like we discussed and I’ll throw it back.”

My heart sinks like a dead balloon.

There are other things I’d like him to throw. Namely me.

Be nice, girl. He’s being the adult here since you can’t.

“S-sure thing. Thanks for… catching me. That would’ve left a nasty bruise,” I call after him, wishing my voice wasn’t so ragged. “See you Sunday.”

He raises a hand to wave as he almost runs to his car, but he doesn’t look back at me.

My face falls.

I’m the one causing this confusion.

I’m almost certain he’s sporting the world’s largest hard-on and it kills me. Which is only fair, considering my lady bits are one more kiss away from starting the place on fire.
