Page 28 of Living For You

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Tori ran a hand through her hair then blew out a long breath. “Fuck,” she whispered once again. “What the hell did we just do? What do we do now? Shit.”

“I think maybe…” God, I don’t know what I’m thinking. All I know is that I’d rather be anywhere but here right now. “Maybe we should sleep this off. Let ourselves sober up before we say or do anything else that we regret.”

“So, you regret it? You regret kissing me?”

I couldn’t handle Tori’s puppy dog eyes and her lips that were now curved into a frown. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but what was I supposed to say? “We shouldn’t have done that.”

Tori looked to the ground, the same expression plastered on her face, except now she couldn’t look at me. “I know. It was wrong. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“I was only thinking about one thing.” I reflexively licked my lips as I thought about the kiss once again, even though I knew that was the last thing I should be thinking about right now. It was so good though. Ugh. Why did it have to be so good?

“You can’t look at me like that, or I might make the same mistake all over again.” Tori looked at me with hungry eyes, and I was pretty sure if I gave her the okay in that moment, she would have pounced. And as much as I wanted to, I knew I couldn’t. We couldn’t do this.

“That’s why I think we need to go into our own bedrooms. We’re both drunk and confused. We shouldn’t be around each other right now.”

Tori nodded slowly. “You’re right.” She turned around and walked up the stairs without another word.

I waited a minute before I headed upstairs as well. Once I was laying in my bed, I brought my fingers to my lips once again. Just the thought of Tori’s lips against mine sent a shockwave throughout my whole body. I needed to shake this feeling. What we had just done shouldn’t have ever happened. It didn’t matter that it felt like I had been waiting for those lips for a lifetime. Shit. Why was I thinking like that? This was Tori. I had known Tori for years. Until recently, I had never once seen her as anything more than a friend. Sure, I could appreciate that she was good looking, but so could everyone else in this world. I had no idea when she had gone from that person to someone I was dying to kiss (and do more with, to be completely honest), but maybe that was a good thing. If it could change so quickly in that direction, maybe I could just as easily go back to seeing her as only a friend.

If that was going to happen, though, I needed to make sure Tori and I were on the same page. I didn’t want to twist the knife even more, but I worried if I didn’t say this tonight, I might not be able to. I typed out the words and sent the text before I could overthink it. We can’t let that happen again. I’m sorry.

At the exact same time I sent my text, a text came through to me from Tori. I know you said we should wait to talk about this until morning, but I need to get this out right now. We shouldn’t do that again.

It should have made me feel better that we were on the same page, but for some reason, reading words from Tori that literally matched my own, made me feel like my heart was cracking in two. I had no idea what to say back to that, so I set my phone on my nightstand and closed my eyes.

Of course, sleep was not happening. As I lay in the dark room, I talked to the one person who was always there for me, no matter what. Even now, I knew she would listen to me with no judgment, even though what I had done to her was unforgivable.

“Hey, Willow. Three years. God, I can’t believe it. I miss you so much, babe. I’m sorry if it doesn’t seem that way. I really hope you don’t hate me.” I laughed at myself. “Of course you don’t hate me. Because you’re you and you’re perfect. I’m a mess though. I’m so confused. Out of all the people in the world for me to fall for, why the hell did it have to be your best friend?”

Chapter 10

When I awoke the next day, the house was eerily quiet. That tended to be the case when the girls weren’t home, but it was even quieter this morning. Normally, I could hear the faint sounds of Tori rustling around in bed or using the bathroom, but there wasn’t any of that.

Even though I was dreading our talk, I still wanted to see Tori. I had to make sure she was okay after last night. Was I even okay though? I honestly had no idea

“Tori?” I said softly as I left my bedroom. I knocked on her bedroom door, then slowly pushed it open when a minute passed with no answer. Inside, there was nothing but a perfectly made bed.

The bathroom was also empty, so I headed downstairs. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I looked out the front window and realized Tori’s car wasn’t in the driveway. She never left the house this early, which meant she was definitely avoiding me. Great.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was only 7:45. I was pretty sure Lisa was going into work later today, so I decided to give her a call. I had no idea what I was going to say, but I needed to talk to someone.

“Hey, babe,” Lisa said when she picked up the phone after only two rings. “What’s up?”

“Not too much. What’s up with you?”

“Just getting ready for work. Is everything okay?”

“Oh yeah. Everything is great. How are you?”

“Aside from being extremely hungover, I’m wonderful.” Lisa laughed. “Do you really expect me to believe you just called to chat and see how I’m doing? I might believe that if it wasn’t a Wednesday morning before eight.”

“No. I’m good. Sorry to bother you.”

“Okay, that’s it. I’m going to come over before I go to work. You’re clearly freaking out about something.”

“How do you know that?”

Lisa laughed once again. “I’ve known you since we were kids. You pick up on a few things when you’ve known someone for that long.”
