Page 134 of Caught on Camera

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“Okay, you’re showing your age, old man. Maybe something else.”

“Our agreement is supposed to end tomorrow,” I say. I peel the label back on the beer and rub my thumb over the neck of the bottle. “I’m also supposed to be on a plane tomorrow.”

“So tell her you don’t want the agreement to end. Problem solved. It’s not rocket science.”

I laugh at his optimism. “I think I’m going to wait until I get back. What if she says no and then I’m the idiot on New Year’s Eve who just told a girl he—”


“Going to finish that sentence?” Aiden asks with a lifted eyebrow. “Here, you can practice on me.” He clears his throat and straightens his back. “Hi, Shawn,” he says with a high-pitched voice. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

“Oh, fuck you.” I shove his shoulder, and he grins. I wait a beat and set my drink down. “I love her.”

“I know you do.”

“I think she loves me too.”

“She definitely does.”

“I just… I want to be good enough for her. That woman over there deserves the entire world. Fuck, she deserves the entire galaxy. I’m not sure even I can give that to her, no matter how big my feelings are.”

“Shawn.” Aiden nudges my side and lifts his chin. “That woman spent Christmas with your family. She comes to your football games and she cheers for you every week. When you had a panic attack, she almost got arrested so she could be by your side. And look how much you do for her. You donated two million dollars to the hospital because of her. You let her talk without interrupting, and you listen to what she has to say. You kissed her in front of seventy thousand people because you’d rather be ridiculed than see her hurting. You know Lacey—do you think for a goddamn second she’d stick around if she didn’t think you’d treat her the way she wants?”

“No, but—”

“And guess what? Some days you won’t be able to give her the entire world. That’s fucking life, man. You’re going to mess up, and so is she. You’re going to be scared. But no one is ever going to love her like you do.” He hums, a low sound that tells me he’s about to bring this home. A bullseye on a dartboard, and the cherry on top. “I think to her, you’re everything. And that’s enough.”

I stare at him. Nothing has ever made more sense than what Aiden just said.

I don’t know where I’ll be five or ten years down the road. Still coaching the sport I love, hopefully, with a healthy body and a healthy mind. I don’t know if I’ll be in D.C. or somewhere in the Midwest. There’s no crystal ball I can look in that will tell me the future and how things will turn out, but there is one thing I am sure about.


She’s always felt right.

From the moment I first met her, everything’s always been a little bit better when she’s by my side.

“You’re good at this deep shit,” I say. I chug my beer and drop it in the recycling bin. “You make me want to just shout it at her from across the room like it’s a walk in the park and not the scariest thing I’ve ever done. A plus for you in the relationship department.”

“Not my first time around the block with the whole being in love thing.” He pats my back and nudges me forward. “What are you waiting for? Go get your girl.”

“I’m going to wait until I’m back from the game. I’m going to get her a magnet. Something stupid.Colorado is for lovers. Then I’ll tell her I love her, too. It’ll be cute and shit,” I say.

“Jesus.” Aiden rubs his forehead. “You have got to stop watching those romcoms with Maven. Normal people don’t go around doing these grand gestures for people they care about. I think just telling her would be fine.”

“Ah. That’s where you’re wrong.” I clasp his shoulder and give him a grin. “I donated two million dollars for her. Normal isn’t going to cut it.”

“Going forward, can you let me know before you rent a yacht or a spaceship and whisk her away on a fancy date? Those of us with average salaries need time to prepare so we can have an excuse for whywearen’t chartering a rocket to Mars for our women.”

“Asshole.” I laugh. “Thanks for dinner. It was good to see you all.”

“Hey. Good luck at the game.” Aiden shakes my hand then pulls me into a hug. “You all should be a lock for the Super Bowl.”

“We’ll see. Don’t want to get our hopes up too much.” My eyes flick over to Lacey. She’s listening to Maven talk, her legs pulled up to her chest and her chin on her knees. “Ready to go, Lacey girl?” I ask.

“Yeah,” she says with a smile. “I am.”

* * *

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