Page 71 of The Wild Side

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“For real, MelDrake. Congrats.”

“I know this is a rhetorical question, but how does this kind of thing happen when we are supposedly so security conscious?”

“People get sloppy. Look at how many classified documents have been found in people’s libraries, golf courses, home offices? And then there are young cyber people within the army intelligence community who are not qualified to handle such sensitive information.”

“Like the national guardsman who posted documents on that gaming site.”

“Yep. And look how long it was exposed before anyone noticed?”

“You’re right. Sloppy.”

“Well, at least we stopped one potentially dangerous situation.”

“Do you know what’s next on our magical mystery tour?”

“I think it’s diamonds.”

Melanie’s eyes got wide. “Really? Do tell!”

“I can’t. Not because it’s classified, but because Patterson hasn’t brought me up to speed yet.”

“I can’t wait to showcase my next outfit.”

Chapter Seventeen

Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend ...

Unless They’re Blood Diamonds

It was finally the weekend after a very busy week. Melanie spent Saturday catching up on chores. Boredom was a welcome change from all the activity of the week. She was still mentally unpacking the events of the art exhibit. A lot had happened in a short amount of time. She wondered, and hoped, the other operations would go as smoothly.

She heard a vehicle pull into her driveway. It was the Pooper Scooper Brigade, a service that came by twice a week to dispose of the bagged doggie doings. They’d installed a pull-out bin that was accessible from both sides of the fence. It was big enough for an eight-gallon bucket, and small enough that neither a toddler nor the dogs could fit inside. It was brilliant.

By the end of the day, the laundry had been sorted, dishwasher emptied, bird feeder filled, and the front porch swept. She planned on a quiet dinner with her two companions and early to bed. Brunch with Shannon was on the next day’s agenda. They were going to Café 44 at 44 Canal Center Plaza on the Potomac. After brunch, they planned a visit to the sculpture garden.

Melanie was looking forward to forging a friendship with her sister-in-law and having a girls’ afternoon together. So this is what normal feels like?

Around six o’clock, her phone rang. It was Gilmour. “Got a minute?”

“I was just about to make some pasta and a salad.”

“I’ll bring a bottle of wine.”

Melanie pulled the phone away from her ear and gave it an I don’t recall inviting you look.

As if he were reading her mind, Gilmour promptly followed with, “If you don’t mind me barging in.”

“Get a nice pinot noir.” And she hung up. She was beginning to enjoy this new aspect of their relationship. Before she’d left the agency, they’d sometimes shared work-related meals, but recently, they were spending more time together.

“Okay, guys. Another dinner guest,” she said as she placed their bowls on the floor. They never went to the food until she said, “Okay.” She looked at the two magnificent animals. “We are so lucky to have each other, aren’t we?” They looked up at her. She believed they were finally beginning to understand Melanie-speak.

About an hour later, Gilmour arrived with two bottles of Sonoma Coast Sojourn. He handed them to her.

“Did you know pinot noir is considered the healthiest wine to drink?” She continued, “It’s because of the high levels of resveratrol. The grapes have thin skin, fewer calories, low alcohol content, and low sugar.”

“When did you become a sommelier?” he teased.

“I do my homework, remember?” Melanie went to a drawer, grabbed a corkscrew, and handed one of the bottles back. “Get busy.”

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