Page 29 of The Wild Side

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Patterson had the large media screens on the walls lit up with a map. There was a round dot on the map where the body had been found. Outside the National Arboretum. It took Melanie’s breath away.

Patterson pulled up the information about the other victims. “Same M.O.”

One of the agents raised his hand. “But it’s almost two hours away from where the others were found.”

“We have reason to believe the perpetrator is in our area.”

“Oh?” one asked.

“We got a lead.”

Chatter filled the room. “From who?”

“Whom,” Patterson corrected them.

“A witness?”

The questions were flying at him.

“We have a person who believes she encountered the perp several years ago.” Patterson was careful not to divulge Melanie’s connection.

More questions.

“How did she know to come forward?”

“Did he assault her?”

“In a manner of speaking,” Patterson responded.

“When did this happen?”

“Several years ago, a woman was on a date and was drugged. She was fortunate enough that someone interceded and ruined the perp’s plan.”

“Who interceded?”

“I’m only at liberty to share a few of the details until we have more information from the coroner’s office. Right now, what we do know is that the body was buried outside the park with the same M.O. Based on the condition of the body, it’s been there between twelve to fifteen months.”

He proceeded to project the information on the five previous victims onto the big screen. Melanie pretended she was taking notes. She already had the information from her meeting with Patterson two days before. She showed no sign she had any prior knowledge of the murders, or her close proximity to the killer. “I want each of you to take a partner and work the info together.” He looked in Melanie’s direction. He knew her well enough to realize she was going to go above and beyond to catch the guy, and he wanted her working with someone who was equally as experienced as she was, and also a bit bigger and brawnier. He chose Gregory Gilmour, a seasoned agent. He was six feet tall and tipped the scales at two hundred pounds of solid muscle. “Gilmour. Drake. With me. The rest of you double up. We’ll recon as soon as I get the autopsy results.”

Gilmour and Melanie walked with Patterson to his office. He motioned for them to have a seat as he shut the door.

“Drake, I don’t want you to be a lone wolf on this one.”

Gilmour looked perplexed. “Aren’t we doubling up?”

“Yes, but Drake has some inside information that might prove useful.”

Gilmour glanced at her. “Seriously? How?”

Melanie looked at Patterson for direction. “Tell him.”

She recounted the story as Gilmour stared in disbelief.

“You really think he’s the guy?”

“It fits. I don’t think it’s a coincidence another body turns up exactly two years after the last one, which was two years after the previous one.”

“Some kind of anniversary?” Gilmour put forward.
