Page 8 of Take You Down

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“Did you see something you like?” he asks, puffing his chest out slightly.

Oh my god.

Is that an attempt at flirting?

For his sake, I sure hope not.

Deciding to ignore him, I instead turn back to the one who didn’t just give me the ick and ask Hayden, “What bunks are already claimed?”

“I can show you,” Walker says, shifting in my peripheral vision.

“Wasn’t talking to you,” I respond, not even looking his way. I’m trying not to start a fight since we’re going to be living together in very close quarters for the upcoming months, but I’ve also never been one to beat around the bush either. I brush past Walker, following Hayden as he walks deeper into the bus.

It’s a pretty spacious bus with six bunks total, three on each side stacked atop each other.

“This one’s mine.” Hayden kicks the mattress on the first bunk on the bottom left. “Nikolai’s above me in the middle. Reid’s got the top one on our side, and Walker’s got the middle on the other side. They had to run out to get a few last-minute things before we take off tonight, but you’ll meet them later,” he says, referring to the other two members of the band that are currently missing from the bus.

That leaves either the top or bottom bunk on the right side of the bus. Even with sleeping in beds like this before, I’m still slightly paranoid of rolling off the top bunk, so I shrug off my jacket and throw it on the bottom bunk, claiming it as mine.

“What’s back there?” I ask, looking around Hayden’s shoulder toward the very back of the bus. From here, it looks like just a few more couches and a bunch of luggage piled high on top of them.

“Since we’ll be staying in hotel stops on this tour, we opted for more living space back here this time ’round,” Hayden says as I follow him to the back. Walker and Boone stay in the front, talking too softly for me to pick apart any of their words.

My boots clunk across the spotless, cool toned wood paneling on the floor as we walk to the back. This is probably the cleanest these floors are ever going to be.

Hayden steps to the side so I can get a full look of the back space. It’s not multiple couches like I originally thought, but rather one continuously wrapping around the perimeter of the space, making one giant sectional. There are cabinets above the couch on the back side of the wall, definitely for extra storage space. The windows have black privacy screens pulled down over them. A large TV hangs on the left wall with an Xbox already hooked up to it.

“We’ll keep most of our clothes and stuff on the trailer attached to the crew’s van, but feel free to take out whatever you wanna keep on here and put it wherever you can find space. We’re obviously still in the process of unpacking.” Hayden leans against one of the walls, looking at the mess of luggage precariously towered around the space with a slight cringe.

The haphazard organization of the bus doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Years of couch surfing and living with various roommates strips away any standards of living.

I nod, giving one final look to the space before heading back to the front where Walker and Boone are now seated at the dining table, one on each side of the booth. A bag of chips and guacamole are split open between them, along with the pineapple and a fresh beer for Walker.

I watch as the condensation drips down the side of the bottle and itch to hold it in my hand. I’m not even a beer drinker; it’s not the taste that’s calling to me. But I miss the feeling of having that cold glass in my palm, the feeling of security in holding it close.

Boone watches me stare at it, but I don’t bother looking back at him.

“So, you think you’re ready to be roomies?” Walker flashes me a smile, leaning in the corner of the booth. One large arm is thrown over the back of the seat, fingers tapping lightly while the other hand runs through his dark hair. He still hasn’t put a shirt on.

“I think I’m ready to get this shit on the road,” I respond, reaching forward to grab a chip and scoop a good amount of guacamole on it before popping it into my mouth. Walker's eyes don’t leave mine as I chew, but I refuse to be the one to look away first.

Is this some sort of battle of dominance?

Still maintaining eye contact, he reaches for a piece of pineapple and eats it slowly, the juice glistening on his full lips that are still tipped into a smirk.

A fucking annoying smirk.

It isn’t until Boone pipes in about tonight’s show that Walker draws his eyes away from mine and I mentally catalog the win.

“Nikolai forgot his phone charger at his house and Reid wanted to get a few more games for the Xbox, so they ran out to get those, but Reid assured us they’d be back in time for the huddle,” Hayden says. “Still planning for a 6:00 pm meet up?”

“You got it.” Boone claps his hands down on the table and stands. “Let’s get your bags, Scar, and then I’m out of here to go find Naomi before the show starts.”

We step outside the bus, and I squint against the setting sun.

“What’d you think of the guys so far?” Boone asks once we’re outside. It’s clear that he wants to ensure I’m comfortable, but he’s starting to feel like a parent dropping their kid off at college.

No drinking, no parties, make good choices…

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