Page 66 of Take You Down

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“What’d you fucking say?” Daniel seethes, letting his fury slip back over his face. Hayden steps between us, ready to block him if he tries to charge over here and I almost wish he didn’t. I’d like to see what he’d try to pull with me.

“I said, you’re pathetic.”

Daniel’s nostrils flare, jaw clenched, and I smile at him, taunting him, enjoying his reaction.

Reid would be having a field day with this fucker if he was here. He’d be more than happy to take charge in a fight.

“We’ll honor your contract, but once the tour is over, you’re done,” Boone says, interrupting the starting match we’re locked in.

Daniel rears back and scoffs, turning incredulously to face Boone. “I’m not going to be disrespected like this,” he spits, striding over to the rails and reaching down, grabbing a large black backpack of camera equipment. “You know, I’ve worked for some of the best in this business. I have my own contacts. I don’t need you for shit.”

Boone silently watches him pack his things. Carter shifts from foot to foot, clearly not sure if she should be packing up her things as well or staying right where she is.

Before she can make up her mind, Daniel straightens up and looks right at her, studying her face. He must get whatever answer he’s looking for because he lets out a low laugh with no humor behind it, shakes his head and starts walking away.

“Don’t fucking follow me,” he says to Carter as he walks by her. Then he calls out over his shoulder to the rest of the group, “Keep her. Her work’s shit anyways.”

I put a hand on Hayden’s shoulder, squeezing it and pinning him in place as he rocks forward, ready to charge after him for that final comment. I don’t need him beating the hell out of Daniel right before a show and risk hurting his hand.

Even if it would bring all of us immense joy to see that fucker bleed right now.

“Christ, he’s a dick,” Scar says, her words dripping with distaste and I nod my head in agreement.

“What was that all about?” she asks, rubbing a hand over Carter’s arm.

“It was my fault.” Carter shrugs, looking down at her shoes. “I forgot to upload the files from the memory cards last night so they’d be freed up for tonight’s show. There’s no time to do it now, so we don’t have any open ones to shoot with tonight…” she trails off, voice starting to break as she begins to hyperventilate.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Boone says, walking over to her and putting his hands on her shoulders, bringing her head up to look at him. “It’s fine, you’re okay. It’s not a big deal.”

Hayden appears by her side, a folding chair in hand that he quickly sets up and gestures for her to sit.

Carter continues to breathe heavily, tears streaming down her face in black ribbons. Hayden kneels down in front of her, tattooed hands gently laid on her knees.

“You’re having a panic attack,” he says matter-of-factly. “Have you had one before?”

Carter nods her head, trying to force air into her lungs and regain the sense of control she’s lost.

“Okay. I need you to breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth.”

Hayden breathes along with her, helping guide her through her panic. I watch him take control, trying to remain a steady presence for her while she struggles through it, and a pain slices through my chest at the sight, knowing all too well how much experience Hayden has with panic attacks himself.

Once she starts to steady out her breathing, he says, “Now help me out and find five things in the room for me that you can see.”

Carter’s eyes start scanning, still blurred with tears.

“Can we get some space?” Hayden asks me and Boone after Carter notices us still gathered around her.

Boone cocks his head to the left and I follow him, leaving Hayden and Scar to help Carter calm down.

“How well did you know Daniel before the tour?” I ask Boone once we’re out of earshot and I regret the accusatory nature of it.

Boone shoots me an exasperated look. “Do you mean did I know if he’s a piece of shit who looks like he mistreats his girlfriend? No, I didn’t know. He’s worked on a lot of festivals I played at before and always did good work. He was just one of the few names I had in mind when it came time to bring someone on board and his schedule worked for it. If I would’ve known that’s how he talks to Carter…” he trails off and rubs his forehead.

“I know, man, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that. I know you never would’ve worked with him if you knew.”

But I can’t help now running through every moment I’ve interacted with Daniel and Carter so far on this tour. Granted, our interactions have been fairly minimal. They shoot the shows, edit the pictures and videos, and then send them to one of Arun’s assistants who post them for us. They’re on the crew bus, so I never really saw them on the road at all, and then in the precious hours we have off, I’ve been wrapped up in Scar or spending time in the studio.

I can’t help but wonder though if I’ve missed something, or didn’t take Scar’s dislike for him serious enough.

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