Page 41 of Emmett

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As for the fires, they’d stopped despite the pyros' threats. We knew they’d be back, and if not them, others who wanted access to the portal. As devastating as the fires had been, they’d felt like a warning, a test, a portent of things to come.

The pyros involvement was part of a bigger game plan–we just didn’t know what. Yet.

In the meantime, we would remain vigilant, protecting our territory and those we loved. We would be waiting. And we would be ready.

I smoothed my hand over my beard and took a deep breath as Amber’s knock sounded at the door. I opened it, drinking her in.

Fuck, she looked radiant in a green dress that skimmed her lithe form and clung to her magnificent breasts. She glowed. Being in love suited her. Damn, if it didn’t suit me too.

I pulled her through the door, closed it, and pressed her up against it, claiming her mouth in a heated kiss. Amber melted against me, moaning into my mouth. Fuck, holding her, kissing her never got old.

“Missed you, Wildflower,” I murmured when I finally let her up for air.

Amber pressed her hips against mine and smirked. “So I can feel, big boy. Although, having seen your brothers’ assets?—”

“Do not finish that sentence,” I growled, digging my fingers into her ribs and tickling her.

“Okay, okay!” she squealed, twisting away from me. Her eyes sparkled as she took in the transformed cabin. “Oh, Emmett, it looks beautiful! What's the occasion?”

I wrapped my arms around her from behind, holding her close. “Can't a bear spoil his witch?”

Amber laughed softly. “I prefer enchantress. More mysterious.”

I nuzzled her neck. “Come on, my little enchantress, let me feed you.” I nipped her neck. “You’ll need your strength for what I have planned later.”

She pressed her ass against my rigid cock. “I’ll hold you to that.”

Linking our fingers, I led her to the candlelit table. She gasped at the spread of her favorite dishes—roasted salmon, garlic mashed potatoes, and asparagus sautéed in lemon butter. “You cooked all this?”

“I may have had some help from Ma,” I admitted with a grin. “But I picked the flowers.”

I couldn't take my eyes off her throughout dinner. Candlelight danced across her delicate features—I wanted to memorize every detail.

When we finished our meal, I reached into my pocket, fingers closing around the small velvet box. Her hands flew to her mouth, and her eyes widened as I placed it in her hands.

“Open it.”

With trembling fingers, she untied the ribbon and lifted the lid. Nestled inside was a silver pendant intricately engraved with the symbols of the four elements.

“It's a talisman crafted by my ancestors to protect the one who holds the Guardian's heart,” I explained. “Wear it as a reminder of my eternal love and devotion.”

Tears glistened in Amber's eyes as she traced the delicate lines of the pendant. “It's perfect. I'll treasure it forever as I treasure you.”

I clasped the chain around her neck, my fingers lingering on her soft skin. At that moment, I knew I’d found my forever home.

As Amber threw her arms around me, I nuzzled her hair, breathing in her intoxicating scent as she traced the intricate symbols on her new pendant.

I reached into my pocket again, my heart racing. That pendant wasn't the only surprise I had in store tonight.

“Amber Wildflower Williams,” I began, my voice thick with emotion. “From the moment I first caught your scent in the forest, you've captivated me, mind, body, and soul.”

I swallowed hard, emotion threatening to overwhelm me as I knelt before her. I pulled out a smaller box, revealing the ring nestled inside—a brilliant emerald flanked by two glittering diamonds. Amber's eyes sparkled with unshed tears as I continued.

“You're my everything, Wildflower. You are my heart and home. I want to spend the rest of my days making you as happy as you make me. Will you marry me?”

Time seemed to stop as I waited for Amber’s answer. She let out a half-laugh, half-sob, and slid off her chair to kneel in front of me. She cupped my face, eyes shining with love.

“Yes, I'll marry you!”

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