Page 34 of Emmett

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A part of me longed to dive headfirst into whatever this was between us, to bask in the fiery intensity that seemed to ignite whenever we were together. But another part, the logical, guarded part that had kept me safe for so long, urged me to pump the brakes, to slow things down.

But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

A few days later, a familiar figure appeared in the doorway as I was wrapping up my shift at the fire station.

I looked up in surprise to see Emmett’s mother and Aunt Thea peering into my office.

“Hello, love. I hope we’re not intruding,” Maggie said, her warm smile instantly putting me at ease.

“Maggie! Aunt Thea!” I greeted, unable to hide my surprise. “Of course not. Come on in,” I replied, standing up to greet her.

They bustled in, Emmett’s mother bearing a basket of muffins. “We stopped by the station to drop these off for the crew. We know how hard you all work, and you deserve a treat now and then.”

Her eyes twinkled with kindness, making me ache for the family I'd never had. Touched by their thoughtfulness, I smiled. “That’s so kind of you. Please, have a seat.”

Maggie and Aunt Thea settled onto the worn leather couch against the wall. “So, how have you been, love? We missed you at dinner last night.”

I closed the door for privacy and pulled up my office chair in front of them. “I’m good. All these fires are keeping me busy.”

Aunt Thea gave me a knowing look. “Hmm, the fires and a certain tall, dark, and handsome bear shifter, perhaps?”

I flushed. Was I that obvious?

Maggie chuckled, reaching out to pat my hand reassuringly.

“You’re mated. It’s written all over your face, love. I know my son can be a lot to handle. He's passionate and impulsive, and his bear side can be even more intense. It's not easy for a human to navigate a relationship with one of our kind. But Emmett loves you. He’d do anything for you.”

I looked down, fiddling with a loose thread on my shirt. “I love him too. But I’m scared. I’ve been hurt before.”

Maggie nodded sagely, understanding etched into her features. “Wise thinking. But don’t let caution cost you a chance at something special.”

“I see how he lights up when he talks about you,” Aunt Thea chimed in. “Emmett may be a handful, but he's also fiercely loyal and loving. He'll move mountains for the people he cares about.”

My heart fluttered hearing that. I knew in my bones it was true, and it echoes my feelings for him.

“Why don’t you join us for dinner tomorrow night?” Maggie suggested. “Brock, Zeke, and Ryder have cleared out, so it will be less crowded. A chance to get to know us all better in a relaxed setting.”

I nodded. “I’d like that, thank you.”

Maggie clapped her hands delightedly. “Wonderful! Shall we say seven?”

I smiled. “Perfect.”

“Now the social niceties are out of the way, I believe you have questions that need answers?” Aunt Thea said, her eyes sparkling with ancient wisdom.

I shook my head with a wry grin. Of course, she knew I needed answers. She was the Oracle.

I told her what had happened when the tree had almost squished me, the strange sensations I’d experienced, and the weird incident with the falling branch. “I thought maybe it was a by-product of the mating bond or something, but Emmett wasn’t sure.”

Aunt Thea nodded as if it all made sense. “You’re coming into your powers.”

I blinked. “Um, my powers?”

“Yes. You’re descended from a long line of powerful witches.” She smiled. “I’ve been expecting you for a while.”

Maggie's smile widened as she listened, her eyes alight with pride. “You're part of our family now, love. The magic flows through your veins just as it does ours.”

Aunt Thea leaned forward, her gaze piercing yet comforting. “Your connection with Emmett has awakened your dormant abilities. As your bond deepens, so will your understanding and control over your powers.”

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