Page 28 of Emmett

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“It's proof that the threat is growing,” he said grimly. “The fires are just the beginning.”

I shivered, and Emmett drew me into my arms. “Why would they want to do that? Destroy the area?”

“That’s what we’re trying to discover. The forest has always been a hotbed of supernatural energy. For centuries, magical beings have been drawn here. Our kind can sense it–how the veil between worlds wears thin in these woods. It makes crossing between realms easier, like poking a hole through fabric.”

I listened intently, trying to take it all in.

“The portals are tears in that fabric,” Emmett continued. “Places where the barrier is so weak that movement between realms is possible. As Guardians, we reinforce those vulnerable places and prevent unchecked passage. But sometimes things slip through.”

“What kind of things?” I asked, my brow furrowed with worry.

“Things that have no place in this world,” he said darkly. “Monsters, demons, dark spirits. The portals are like locks, keeping them at bay. My brothers and I grew up hearing the stories of the dark beings lurking on the other side of the portals, waiting for a chance to break through. I never thought it would happen, but with the boundaries weakened–”

A shiver ran down my spine. He didn't need to finish the sentence. If the portals failed completely, Silverpaw Hollow would be overrun with nightmares made flesh.

Emmett sighed, pushing a hand through his hair. “Like I said, I know this is a lot. I didn’t want to push all this on you in one go, but circumstances forced my hand.”

“You thought I wouldn’t believe you?”

Emmett’s laugh was mirthless. “Why would you? It sounds incredible even to me, and I’ve lived this double life since I was born. But I didn’t–don’t–want to lose you, Amber. You’re too important to me, too precious. If you walk away now, you’ll be taking my damned heart with you. I didn’t tell you before because I wanted to wait until you’d fallen for me like I’ve fallen for you.”

My eyes widened. “You mean?—”

“I’m in love with you, Wildflower.” He held up a hand. “I’m not saying that to sway you. And I don’t expect you to reciprocate. I’m saying it because it’s the truth. I’m saying it because you’re my fated mate.”

“Your fated mate?” I squeaked.

Okay. Didn’t see that one coming. Or did I? God, nothing made sense anymore. Or maybe everything made sense. Maybe I’d known all along that this connection with Emmett was something more. Something inexplicable. Something… unique.

Emmett nodded, his expression serious. “Knew it the first time I saw you. Or rather, the first time I smelled you. It’s a chemical reaction. But it’s so much more than that.”

“So you love me because you have to? Because I’m your fated mate?”

“No,” he said firmly, his eyes boring into mine. “I love you because you’re caring, intelligent, independent, and beautiful. I love how you fight for others. I love your passion. I love your heart. I even love your stubbornness.”

“I’m not stubborn,” I objected.

Emmett raised an eyebrow.

I huffed. “I prefer tenacious. Determined.”

“Same thing.” Emmett chuckled.

I stared at the man before me, searching his deep brown eyes. He’d done nothing but put my comfort and pleasure above everything else. He’d introduced me to his wonderful family, who’d welcomed me like a long-lost beloved relative.

Emmett put himself at risk every time we’d fought a fire. He’d saved me today–in his bear form—and sustained an injury in the process.

Whether he had supernatural healing abilities was irrelevant. He’d risked everything, even exposure of his kind when he’d shifted and pulled me from the fiery branches of death. And he’d done it all because he loved me. I’d felt it in his touch last night, and I saw it in his eyes now.

And I loved him. God, I loved him. Cupid had snuck up on my blind side and released his arrow, striking a bullseye in my heart.

I opened my mouth to tell him, then snapped it shut again. I didn’t want him to think I was saying it simply because he’d confessed his feelings to me. Besides, I needed time to process everything he’d told me. But I wasn’t running from this, from what we had. I would fight for Emmett. I would fight by his side for the people we cared about.

“Okay,” I whispered.

Emmett’s eyebrows rose. “Okay?”

I nodded. “I’m in. We'll figure this out. Together. You're not in this alone anymore, Emmett,” I said, determination steeling my voice. “And in the interest of no more secrets between us, I have a confession of my own.”
