Page 14 of Emmett

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Emmett chuckled. “Not-a-date, huh? What more could you want? Doesn’t get any hotter than the fire we tamed. Well, unless you count that kiss.”

My cheeks heated, knowing he’d been as affected as me. I cleared my throat, searching for something cool and sophisticated to say.

Emmett chuckled, sensing my discomfort. “I’m teasing, Wildflower. Don’t get your breathing apparatus in a tangle. But I do owe you a proper meal. How's your evening looking?”

“Empty until now,” I said, a daring edge creeping into my voice, inviting him to fill it. My heart thudded with anticipation, a reckless drumbeat echoing the thrill of whatever came next.

“Well, then,” Emmett replied, his deep baritone wrapping around me like a promise, “let's make plans to change that. I’ll feed you.”

Thoughts of exactly what he could feed me burst into my mind, and my mouth watered. “Sounds good,” I murmured, my spirit soaring on the wings of our flirtation.

“There’s one catch.” A note of hesitancy threaded through Emmett's usual confidence.

I frowned. “Oh?”

“The ‘feeding you’ part would be a monthly family dinner with my folks. All my brothers will be there.”

My fingers paused mid-air above the keyboard, the banter from moments ago fading into an awkward silence. I sat up straighter. “A family dinner?”

“Yeah. Here's the thing—” A shuffling noise reached my ears, as if he was adjusting his stance, bracing himself. “I'd love for you to come with me.”

I rubbed my temple, emotions swirling. This was way too much, too fast. The Furbanes were close-knit, a fact I knew from small-town gossip and the fierce protectiveness I'd seen in Emmett's eyes whenever he mentioned his folks.

To be invited into that circle felt like crossing an unspoken threshold—one I wasn't sure I was ready for. I'd never belonged anywhere before. The temptation was dangerous.

“I don't know,” I hedged. “Wouldn't I be intruding?”

Emmett chuckled, unfazed. “Are you kidding? Ma will be over the moon to meet the new Assistant Fire Chief.”

Despite myself, I smiled at his enthusiasm. His confidence was infectious, making the whole idea seem less insane.

“Well, when you put it that way,” I said slowly.

Sensing my resolve weakening, Emmett moved in for the kill. “Come on, live a little. How else are you gonna find out that I'm a catch?”

“Oh, is that what this is about? Proving what a great guy you are?”

“Maybe.” I could hear the cheeky grin in his voice.

“Ha, says the man who told me he races motorcycles near cliffs and bodies of water for fun,” I fired back, sliding the phone between my ear and shoulder to free my hands.

“Touché,” he conceded, and I could picture his grin, as wide and reckless as his stunts. “But seriously, when was the last time you did something because it felt good? No risk assessments, no planning exits.”

“Sounds like anarchy.”

“Or freedom,” he countered smoothly. “Come on, Amber. What's life without a little spice?”

“Less indigestion?” I quipped, a smile tugging at my lips. Maybe, just maybe, I could let my guard down. At least for one night.

“Exactly! You need someone to add a dash of excitement to your life.”

“And you’re man enough for the job?” I teased.

“Oh, Wildflower, you have no idea how many jobs I’m man enough for,” he rumbled.

I swallowed. Hard. This man… he was undermining all my defenses and pulling me into his orbit like the moon circling the Earth.

At first, I’d thought he was one of those cocky types who made up for a lack of substance with overconfidence. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Emmett Furbane was the most solid, reliable, loyal man I’d ever met.

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