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Oh, to hell with it, he was enjoying himself too much. Ethan leaned forward in his chair until their foreheads were almost touching.

His tail twitched and he felt it moving toward her chair under the table. “Apparently I play a mean game of tailsy,” he husked.

“Tailsy!” Her eyes popped, her cheeks pinking as she put down her glass. And then she moved her leg under the table and her foot engaged with his tail.

Gently, very tentatively, he let it curl around her ankle.

He held his breath. Didn’t move his tail. Not even a twitch.

But she didn’t take her foot away. Instead, she inched it closer.

And then she breathed out, “How would it go from here?” Her lips were parted, glistening, ripe, her eyes an invitation.

He hesitated, then edged his tail up her calf. “Okay so far?” he asked gruffly.

In answer, she reached across the table and traced over his lips with a fingertip.

His body jerked at the frisson of lust that went from his lips to his tail, and his cocks jumped from fluffed to fully alert.

Oh gods, that was it. He was going to show her some real tail play. Right here. Right now.

His tail curled up around her calf, the tip exploring, quivering, stroking up over her knee, onto her inner thigh, and she… she opened, sank back in her chair, panting little breaths that made her breasts rise and fall sharply.



“Want me to stop?”

“No,” she hummed. “It’s nice.”

Now his tail flicked higher up her inner thigh, marveling at the softness of her skin. His cocks were hard against his fly, painfully so, his groc leaking copiously. Thank the gods above they were seated, because there’d be a mighty big stain on his pants at this rate.

Tentatively, he let his tail tip probe higher, flicking at the lace edge of her panties, watching her face as her head arched back, exposing her long white neck, her teeth biting at her lower lip.

She was—gods! Min was hot for this. He could smell her arousal wafting across the table from him, sweet and intoxicating, and he wanted nothing more than to thrust his tail up into the apex of her thighs, peel aside the little scrap of material and stroke the tip along her hot, wet cleft.

He held himself back, his body taut, tail quivering with the effort to restrain himself.

And then, fucking hell, her little hand curled around the end of his tail, stroked the tip and moved it under her panty line. Ethan let out a muffled curse as delicious wet heat registered. Oh yeah, his groc was going crazy now—he could feel the fluid seeping into his pants.

And… gods, she wasn’t stopping.

She moaned softly as she gently tugged his tail along her seam. Heck, she was drenched. The musky aroma mingled with the heady scent of orange blossom, making it all the more tempting—so fucking tempting. Unable to stop himself, he moved his tail tip faster between her slick folds and then, finding the swollen bud of her clit, he let it curl around it, quiver. Inside his pants his groc started to vibrate, and his primary cock nearly burst through his zipper.

Hell, if this continued, he’d be creaming himself spectacularly.

And seeing her, slumped lower in her chair, eyelids fluttering, her lips swollen on her little gasps, it seemed Min wasn’t far off coming spectacularly too.

Her thighs spread wider under the table, her fingers gripping his tail. Her hips snapped and jerked, and… and… out the corner of his eye, Ethan caught the flash of a camera.


He had to be the responsible one here. She was a virgin. And somewhere in the bushes, that photographer was capturing her teetering on the edge of release.

He leaned forward and stroked her cheek. “Min. There’s a guy with a camera nearby.”

She opened her eyes, blinked dazedly at him from behind her glasses. Even through the lenses, he could see how desire had darkened her gaze. How her whole body was almost tipping over the edge. So beautiful, so vulnerable. It made him want to protect her more than anything.

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