Page 34 of The Ritual

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Wow. Okay. It was time for me to rethink things. What happened to the position if he died? Did it go automatically to his oldest son, like Walter would be my father’s heir?

I stepped forward. “Hello.” I curtsied. Before we left for the ritual, Mama had given me some instruction about proper behavior. She said I was to curtsy if I met Judge.

“Sir.” I hoped that was right. No one flinched, so it couldn’t be too off. “I apologize for not recognizing you that night in the manor. I did not know who you were, or I would have of course addressed your rank.”

Miranda looked at me strangely for a moment. She had to be confused. Didn’t she know he’d been walking the halls?

“I knew that, Sloane.” He extended his hand. “I told you that you’re very important. All of you are right now. Essential. We can’t have you running away from your Warriors after you’ve been matched.”

I walked over and took his hand. It was polite to do so, when it was offered by nobility. His palm felt wrinkled in my own, and as he tugged me closer, I suddenly wondered if I had made a mistake. What is he going to do with me?

“I’ve seen you in my visions.” He whispered in my ear. “With True, who was always my favorite, and his brothers. You will save us, because if you don’t, this really will be the end.”

His body started to shake, so I let go of his hand to grip his shoulders. “Sir? Are you okay?”

“Yes.” Miranda sort of shoved me aside. I would have fallen, but Oliver grabbed me, holding me upright.

“He’s fine,” she practically shouted. “This happens sometimes if he’s very upset. You should all leave. Now.” When I would have turned, she added, “We’ll take a vacation to your home in two months. You’ll host all of us then. It will be good to get him away from here, and it’s been quite a while since I’ve been there. I’m interested to see how you settle in, Sloane. Knowing them a few days is one thing, but a lifetime is something else. Perhaps you’ll have realized that in two months.”

Internally, I shook my head. If I disregarded the fact that Judge wasn’t well, Miranda was really off.

I asked, “Did you break her heart?” I looked at Truett, and he winced.

We were outside when he finally answered. “She came here when she was very young. I was, too. Immediately, Judge married her. She wanted to have an affair with me, but that seemed dishonorable, so I said no. She’s never gotten over it. Then her little sister was matched with us during the ritual. It made it worse. Then Sadie died.”

I could see the pattern with Miranda. “She’s coming to visit you.”

“Us.” He met my gaze. “She’s coming to see you there. She’s bringing Judge. It’s not the kind of thing I’m allowed to say no to.”

No, he wasn’t. If Judge’s wife said they were coming, they would come. And it wouldn’t do for me to arrive just before them. The staff would probably tell her as much.

“I guess I’m going home with you.”

He visibly relaxed his shoulders. “Thank you, Sloane.”

“Hear me clearly on this, guys.” I wanted to be very upfront and very clear. “I’m not living like my mother did. I’m not looking after you or cleaning up after you if you’re forever drunk or stoned. If you make me miserable, I’ll find my own happiness elsewhere. If it gets bad enough, I won’t run in the middle of the night. I’ll do it in the daytime, even if Miranda and Judge are standing in the driveway when I leave.”

Charlie nodded. “Got it. We understand you completely. Now, let’s get you to Jayne and set up to save the world, shall we?”

That was why we were there. I swallowed, realizing I’d just agreed to not go back to my home, maybe permanently. It didn’t feel like such a huge declaration, since it was as though the decision was made long ago, and I was finally just giving into it.

Rain dripped down on us, and I looked up at it while Freddie pulled me next to him. “Pause for a second.”

I stopped walking. “What do you mean?”

His mouth came down on mine for the gentlest kiss. “You were amazing in there. They’ve all kissed you. I can’t be left out if you’re taking kisses and…it’s more romantic to kiss in the rain.”

I grinned at him before I outright laughed. Freddie really was the easiest of all of them, which hid deceptively deep depths. I already knew that. “Thank you.”

Truett groaned loudly. “Oh, you’re really putting it on.”

If they could stay like this, then I could make it work, but I doubted it was possible. There was too much that could go wrong, and I wasn’t a person who believed in being foolish for too long.

Jayne’s house with her husbands was slightly smaller than ours, which again made me wonder about seniority. “Who picks the houses where you guys live?”

“Judge,” Charlie said as he rang the doorbell. Less than a second later, Jayne ran out and threw herself at me. I stumbled, hugging her. She smelled like home, and I closed my eyes, breathing her into my lungs. “Hi there, Sister.”

She cried against my shoulder. “What did they do? I’ll…I’ll…do something to them.”
