Page 53 of Warlander Grizzly

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That was too much. Landon was too much.

She wasn’t the one who would hold the torch, but his words were echoing in her mind, echoing over and over like he’d shouted them into a canyon.

Someday you’re going to figure out that you’re the one holding the damn torch.

That wasn’t her power. Her power was to see the future. His power was to burn. To heal, and then to burn.

Everything she had ever seen in a vision had come to fruition, and her heart ached at this one.

In the vision, he’d said, Because you told me to.

He was going to burn the Warlander’s territory because of her?

Her father and Damon had thought she needed to be in this Crew so badly, but look what would happen? Because of her, somehow.

Perhaps Landon was right.

Perhaps she’d been holding the damn torch all this time.

Chapter Nine

Landon gunned his truck toward Damon’s Mountains, fury boiling in his blood.

That woman. That woman! Fuck! She gathered all this power over him, and then demolished him.

The bear inside of him was ready to rampage, but it wasn’t because of what Lucia had said. It was because he was leaving her behind.

“What do you want me to do?” he yelled, and slammed his hand against the steering wheel.

No woman should’ve had this kind of power. No woman should be able to rile him up this much. No woman ever had.

Didn’t she see? Couldn’t she understand? He would cut his hands off before he hurt her!

Of course she didn’t understand. She was new to this. She had only just realized he freaking existed. For him? He’d watched her since they were kids. He’d loved her secretly for years. He’d waited, he’d been patient, but for her, she had only just woken up to him.

Maybe that was the problem. Maybe that’s why he was all flustered by her, when he’d been calm, cool, and collected around every other female.

She brought out something in him that was entirely too much.

Her allowing that intimacy between them, how vulnerable she’d been, how open…it had dredged up a fealty in him that was terrifying.

He would burn the world for her!


But…he wouldn’t burn her world.

She had to be mistaken. No way would he hold a torch to her Crew. No way.

He had that crazy Fuller in him, but he wasn’t that crazy.

Unless her Crew hurt her? He would burn them if they hurt her.

A snarl rippled up his throat and he jerked the wheel at a thin road that led off the main. He’d had an entirely too-long drive to build up his rage and his confusion, and now all he wanted to do was rant to his dad about Lucia. About how she’d…she’d…hurt him.


He slammed on the brakes and stared at the gravel road that would lead to Boarland Mobile Park.

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