Page 37 of Warlander Grizzly

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She pushed her momentum forward, trying to adjust to the new body. This had been so easy her entire life, but after so long without the animal it was strange walking on all fours. She glanced down and saw her massive paws, and the long, curved black claws extending out of her silver-furred paws. Her human side had always favored her mother, but the bear? The bear favored Beaston.

She tripped twice on the way to him, but there was no embarrassment in this form. The bear was confident in ways the human side of Lucia would probably never embrace.

As she melted into the night shadows with him, she was struck by a thought.

She’d honestly thought she would never be able to touch the bear again, and that she would always be a half-woman. That she would always have this giant hole inside of her.

But the bear had come out for Landon, and that felt big.

Landon had pulled her out of her mourning period.

He had made her laugh and made her feel alive again, and the bear had taken notice and wanted to live again.

Was he trouble?


All Fullers were trouble.


He’d done something for her no one else would ever be able to do.

He had brought the bear back.

Chapter Seven

Landon cast another glance over at the silver she-bear. He’d only seen her fur color on Beaston, and he had big memories of that growing up.

Beaston intimidated everyone. His bear was gnarly, and now Landon was walking next to his gorgeous daughter. Her bear was scarless. She was smaller than him, more petite, but he’d felt her desperation when she’d been posting up between him and Beaston.

She could brawl.

God, did she even understand how hot she was? Strong, independent women who had no idea how gorgeous she was?

That woman didn’t need a man, that much was extremely clear…but…

She seemed at ease walking beside him as he explored her territory. She wasn’t defensive, she wasn’t angry, she wasn’t edging for a fight if he made a wrong move in her space.

She just seemed…happy.

Her bright-green eyes met his time and time again, and he wished he could talk to her in this form. He wished he could explain that he wasn’t trying to make a problem for her or her Crew tonight with those humans. He’d been fine fighting like men until he’d seen that asshole grab her. He’d snapped. He still wanted to kill that motherfucker.

And then he’d been ramped up, and she’d crawled up in the passenger’s seat of his rig and guided him to a safe place to Change, and did she know? Did she understand? Did she realize the way to a Fuller’s heart was to have their back even when they were wrong? Perhaps especially when they were wrong. Oh, he would check himself later. Hell, he was already checking himself. He’d put her at risk tonight. She’d gotten grabbed because he’d been fighting, and while fighting was second nature and a normal part of his life, it wasn’t just him he was looking out for anymore.

Lucia felt important.

Tonight, she’d left her Crew and fought an order from her Alpha to be with him.

She had no idea how devoted he was to her already. If she knew how deep he was, she would run.

If she knew how terrifying her power over him really was? If she knew the control she could wield? She would run. Fuck, a part of him wanted to run. He was destruction, and she could control him horrifyingly easily.

His Change-back was easy and smooth and barely hurt, but Lucia was having a harder time.

He crouched on the edge of the woods, watching her.

She seemed uncertain, but she’d been in the bear’s skin long enough. It had been hours. He needed food, but even more than that, he needed to feed her. He couldn’t explain or understand why there was that instinct, but it was so loud in his head.

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