Page 34 of Warlander Grizzly

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“Nice disguise, stalker,” Lucia griped.

Something hit her like a freight train, and she gasped as she flew backwards under the Mohawked man tackling her.

She closed her eyes tightly and braced for impact, but arms found her back and yanked her away from the ground. Mohawk Dude made an awful-sounding grunt and flew backward. Before he hit the gravel, Landon was on him.

“Shhhit,” Lucas said, doubling back. “Landon! Truck! Now!”

“He’s not your bear!” Lucia screamed, running for him. An Alpha’s order wouldn’t work on him.

“Landon!” she shrieked, panicked. He was going to kill that man. She could hear the crack of his fists against the human’s face, over and over. “Stop!”

Landon pushed off the human and staggered to his feet, chest heaving. He slid a furious glare over his shoulder, and his eyes were such a bright shade of silver, they were nearly white. A long snarl rumbled from him.

“Don’t. Change,” she ground out.

His nostrils flared with his breath, and the rattling growl in his chest deepened.

Mohawk scuttled away across the gravel, his face covered in crimson. Two of his friends lifted him to his feet and dragged him toward a truck that was pulling around front.

“Fuck this,” Landon snarled in a voice she didn’t even recognize. He threw up a hand and shoulder-checked Lucas on his way past him. He climbed up into his truck and the engine roared to life.

“Truck, Lucia!” Lucas said as the first wail of sirens sounded in the distance, but Lucia got stuck.

Something deep inside of her whispered, Go to him.

Go to him? To Landon?

She knew that voice, and chills rippled up her forearms.

She hadn’t talked to her bear in so, so long.

“Now, Lucia!” Lucas demanded, and she stumbled toward his truck.

“Let me go!” she barked.

Jenna and Cadence were standing near Lucas’s truck, glowing eyes on Lucia. “Lucas,” Jenna uttered. “Let her go.”

“With him?” Lucas yelled, tossing a hand at Landon’s truck as he pulled out of the parking space.

“Please,” Lucia murmured.

Lucas stared at her like she’d lost her damn mind. “Fine, Lucia. Go fuck up your life with a Fuller. Fuck if I care.” But on that last part, his tone was hollow. He did care. He cared very much.

In control of her body, she bolted for the street, where Landon was pulling his truck onto Main.

“Wait!” she called, but he’d already seen her. He jerked to a stop in the middle of the street and she sprinted to him, yanked open the door. The heaviness of a dominant male close to a Change hit her like a train.

“I can’t…” Landon slapped the sides of his head. “I have to Change!”

Lucia cast a glance back at where Lucas was pulling out of his parking spot. This was a bad idea.

Go with him.

Fuck. She climbed up into his truck. “I’ll go with you.”

Before she’d even closed the door, Landon hit the gas and peeled out into traffic, ignoring the honking behind him.

“I’m not going to make it,” he snarled.

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