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“Would she have really, truly picked us if she had her choice of packs?” Cy was right. Bella was too good for the life we could give her. If she’d been in a good omega school from the start, she’d likely already been bitten into a great pack by now and living the life she deserved.

“Cy’s right. All we can offer her now is a continued captivity, keeping her our secret. She deserves more.” I spit the words out like they were bile.

Jameson stepped forward. “At least give her the choice.” I looked over at him. How would he live without her, now that he had a slice of what happiness with her was like? “Don’t take away the choice from her. She’s already been rejected enough. She’ll interpret this as just another let down. I won’t let her feel that again.” My mouth was dry. I should have poured the rest of the bourbon for this discussion.

“Alright. Let me talk to Maddox about it. We’ll lay out the options for her. We’ll tell her what she could have if she goes back, and what her life will be like if she stays. She can be the one to choose.” As selfish as it was, I wanted her to choose us. Even if I knew we’d never be able to give her what she deserved. Why did fate send her into our lives and show us what was possible, only for circumstances to yank her away from us?

Chapter 52


Maddox and I had just finished cleaning up and were getting ready to watch a movie. According to him, I was obsessing over the news and needed to take my mind off of things. I was currently bundled up in a blanket on his lap with his arms wrapped around me while he picked out a romantic comedy film. His dark brown eyes filled with adoration every time he looked my way, and I couldn’t stop smiling at him despite everything that was going on. We’d just started on the opening credits when the rest of the pack came into the room.

“What’s going on?” I straightened up on Maddox’s lap. I could tell from their faces that something was terribly wrong. Kian came over to me, kneeling as he placed a hand on my knee.

“We need to talk, omega.” Well, that was never a good sign. I’d heard that same tone from so many packs in the past, right before they fumbled through an awkward breakup speech about how I was great, lovely really, but just not right for them. I braced myself, anxiety rippling through my body. Cy and Jameson flanked our sides, sensing my growing discomfort.

“The situation has changed quickly, as you know. The fact that you will soon be the most recognizable omega in the nation has made things a bit more… challenging.” I frowned at Kian’s words.

“You said you would take care of me, forever.” Kian’s hand squeezed my knee as he nodded at my words.

“And we intend to keep that promise and do what’s best for you. But we want you to know your options. Let’s say you go back, claim you ran away from your captors. Your fame right now would make you one of the most desired omegas - you’d be able to choose from any pack you wanted.” I listened to his words in shock. Why would they think I wanted anyone else? As if he read my mind, he continued on. “Bella, so far you’ve only known scarcity in your life. You can have your pick. And you could be safe, in the-”

“Stop!” My body felt sick, a queasiness taking over as I stood, shaking Maddox’s arms off of me. “Stop saying that. You’re making excuses for throwing me away!” I was shouting now, and Kian grabbed my hands while the others purred to calm me down.

“No, Bella, it’s not like that. I’m trying to lay out the reality of the situation for you. If you stay here, you can never be seen. If anyone were to find out you were here, they would take you from us. The police will interrogate you here, and they aren’t nice about it. When they find out we took you, no matter how you feel about it, they would lock us up for years.” I sobbed, trembling as I covered my mouth.

“No! Just bite me then! They won’t separate us if we’re bonded!” The pack had their hands on me, trying to calm me down as I shook.

“They would still put us away, Bella. Especially because of my family. People have a vendetta against my father and brothers, and I don’t blame them. They would just keep us separated until the bite faded and the bonds were erased, and it would only end up hurting you.” I listened to Kian’s words, but something in me fought back for once.

“No.” I stopped shaking and took a deep breath. I stood straight and wiped my eyes. “No. I won’t go back, and I do not accept whatever you are trying to convince me of. I want to stay here and accept you as a pack. No matter the risks. Even if it means I have to wear a disguise. You cannot tell me what to do.” A few moments went by where everyone stood still. I hadn’t stood up for myself in a long time. Not since the first time I was rejected. It felt… good. It felt like letting out a part of me that I’d held back for so long.

Cy was the first to speak. “Bella, if that’s what you really want, I’m more than happy to take on the risks. We can find ways to live a good life.” He looked at me, smiling, and put his hand on my shoulder. I covered his hand with my own, and Maddox stood behind me, wrapping me up again. “Whatever you want, Bella. You’re in charge.” Jameson looked at me with happiness and Kian nodded. “Alright. I won’t argue with you. I just wanted you to know your options. But if you want to stay, we’re all in.” My heart soared with their acceptance and my newly rediscovered voice. They moved toward me like magnets as I pulled them in, wanting to be surrounded by their scents and their bodies. We’d only been embracing for mere seconds when a sudden, loud siren abruptly went off, and I knew from the pack’s reaction that something was terribly wrong.

Chapter 53


“Get her to the safe room!” Kian yelled as Cy grabbed me, pulling me into his chest. The pack burst into action. I watched Jameson run to a bookshelf and yank a fistful of books out, revealing a hidden screen. After placing his palm on it, it beeped and he reached for the edges of the shelf, flipping the entire thing over to reveal a hidden storage space. There were a shocking number of firearms and weapons that had been hidden right behind the bookshelf. He reached for several large guns, tossing them out to each pack member as he strapped on a leather belt equipped with knives. Maddox disappeared into another room, coming out seconds later with vests that he threw to everyone. He threw two vests to Cy, who started strapping me into the large, heavy material.

“What’s going on?” I asked in a panicked voice. Cy finished strapping on his own vest while the pack spoke to each other in quick commands.

“Our compound is being attacked. We need to get you to safety.” Before I could say another word, he scooped me up and ran down the hall, ignoring my protests. “We have a safe room. You’ll stay there until we are all clear.” He held me close to his chest, tearing down the hall.

“I want to stay with the pack!” I couldn’t bear to be away from them. What if something happened?

“We’ll be right outside. No one touches you without going through us first. And that will not be happening.” We reached the center of the house where there was another shelf. Cy reached in. Another beep sounded, and he pulled it open to reveal a room stocked with food, water, and multiple screens. “Wait in here.” He pointed to a screen that showed a view of the shelf that hid the entrance to the room. “If you see anyone besides us try to get in, take one of those duffel bags.” He motioned to the four duffel bags in the corner. “There’s a trap door under the chair. It leads to a tunnel that will take you to a house at the edge of town where a beta lives. She’s trustworthy and can help you. The bag has enough cash to get you home. If that happens, don’t let anyone else see you until you’re back in your province.” I grabbed at his shirt around his vest.

“Don’t leave me here!” I whimpered. He looked down at me, his light eyes distraught as he looked at me past his glasses.

“I love you, omega. But I can’t protect you from in here. I promise I’ll be back for you.” He leaned in and kissed me, an urgent, promising kiss that took my breath away. Then he put me down and before I could process what he had just said, he shut the secret door. I stood there stunned for a moment, then ran after him. But the door was locked. I slammed my fists into it, yelling for him to come back. What could possibly be happening? I spun, panting as I dashed to the multiple screens on the wall. Through them, I was able to see the layout of most of the rooms, plus external views of the house. Bile crept up my stomach as I saw why the alarm had gone off. There were dozens of men dressed in tactical gear pouring over the wall that surrounded their property, filling into the yard and getting closer to the house. We were being attacked. I had a sinking feeling they were here for me - an omega with a three million dollar bounty. My stomach sank. There were too many of them!

I looked at the other screens, seeing each of the pack members waiting, their bodies still as statues. Jameson’s back was against a wall and his gun was ready in his hands while he motioned silently to Kian, who was across the hall. I wondered how they could stay like that with no motion. I was shaking like a leaf. Suddenly, the window of the living room shattered and smoke started filling the room. I gasped as Jameson reached for something on his chest and threw it out the window. A few seconds later, an explosion flashed white on the screen showing the front yard and I heard a muffled boom. I stepped back. There was a battle being fought right in front of my eyes. Jameson and Kian crouched on the floor, aiming out of their own windows and started shooting, creating chaos outside. My eyes searched the screen to find Cy and Maddox. I felt quick relief when I saw them in another area of the house, firing out at a separate group of intruders that were taking over the backside of their compound. Luckily, the dozens of men coming toward the home didn’t seem to be throwing in explosives. I realized that it was a good thing they thought I was in here - they probably couldn’t send in explosives or shoot blindly, or their bounty would be injured and worthless. But once they had me, they would likely get rid of my pack. My pack.

I felt the possessive nature of my omega rear its head. How dare these men try to hurt what was mine. I looked around the room, trying to find a way to get back into the main house. There had to be a way out of here, just as there was a way in. I just had to try to stay calm and think. I figured there was some type of failsafe to get back into the house. Where would it be? I crawled around the shelving and reached in, feeling for any type of hidden screen. I found one, but it didn’t recognize my handprint. Searching again, I reached under a cupboard and found a latch. When I pulled it, the door of the safe room clicked and I saw it crack open slightly. The sounds of gunfire and yelling creeped into the room, and I rushed over to yank it shut. But at least I had a way out. Now I had to find something to protect myself with.

I went over to the duffel bags and opened one, rummaging around to see what could be useful. Inside there were stacks of cash, fake IDs for each of the pack members, dry food, a change of clothes… and the one thing I was looking for. A weapon. I felt beads of sweat form down my back as I lifted the cold metal. I held the heavy gun in my hand, unsure of how to even use it. This wouldn’t work. I had no idea how to use a gun. I placed it down beside me and reached back into the bag. After a moment I found something else I could use, gripping the heavy baton as I scrambled back over to watch what was happening on the security screens. My heart sank. Despite everything, the intruders were breaking into the house and swarming in like rats as I watched in real time. I wanted to scream at Cy, Kian, Maddox and Jameson in their respective rooms to get out, but something happened when the black-clad men came into contact with my pack.

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