Page 51 of Playing With Fire

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He grinned at me. “The fucking Amazon. You don’t remember?”

I shook my head, still wrapped up in my dream and how it all related to what was currently going on. I pushed to my feet, swaying slightly as the blood rushed to my head. I wasn’t so sure I was going to make it. Knight handed me a second gun, but I shook my head. “I can’t shoot with my left.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Because I only have three fucking fingers,” I shouted, holding up my hand to find all five fingers perfectly in place.

“I think you might have hit your head harder than we thought.”

He turned to leave, but I grabbed onto his jacket, pulling him closer to me. “Do I have a heart condition?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”


“Cap, now’s not the time to come up with insane illnesses. This is fucking life and death,” he said, tearing my hands from his jacket. I stumbled after him to the door, leaning heavily against the side of the hut. My head was spinning and my whole body felt like it was ready to collapse. Fuck, even my bad eye was more fucked up than before. I was practically fully blind in that eye.

“Lola,” Knight shouted as she fired off a few shots. “We need to reach the extraction point.”

“No fucking way. Not without Hunter, Rocco, and Sinner.”

“Sinner?” I said to myself. Wasn’t he just fucking beside me?

“We’ll have to send in another team,” Knight said. “There’s no fucking way we can get them out, not with Cap in this condition. As it is, we’re going to have to carry his ass out of here.”

“I can walk,” I said as I slid down the wall and face-planted. I stared at the dirty floor and tried to remember how I got here, but nothing was coming back to me. Only that fucking dream, but it had seemed so real.

At least in this dream I had a gun and people knew me as Cap. Was I still the sad, pathetic husband of Maggie? Was the company mine again? Fuck, I needed a drink. Or ten.

Knight hauled me up over his shoulder, sending pain shooting through my stomach. I groaned, trying not to move as he suddenly took off from the house. I vaguely saw Lola running after us, providing cover as we raced through the trees. My face kept getting slapped with branches, but that was the least of my worries. I had to figure out where we were and how the hell we got here.

Knight hauled me off his shoulder and my back hit hard metal. I glanced around, taking in the sides of the truck we were currently laid down in. Knight was beside me, reloading his weapon as I stared at him in a dazed state.

“Is that medicine kicking in yet?” he shouted, but I just stared at him. “Fuck,” he swore, sitting up and popping off a few rounds. “Lola, we could really use an extraction right now!”

“Ice is getting into position. His team is laying down cover fire so we can get the fuck out of here.”

“Is the RHIB in place?”

“As long as Wolf didn’t fuck it up!”

I turned to Knight, my hand just barely grasping his jacket. “What the fuck is going on?”

“Not now, Cap. We have to get you home. Maggie’s about to have the baby.”

My mind drifted back to a few days ago…At least, I was pretty sure it was a few days ago.

“What do you mean, you have to leave? I’m about to have a baby, Sebastian!”

I stuffed more clothes in my bag, making sure I had all the gear I needed. “We have a situation I need to take care of.”

“If you leave, I’m going to have this baby alone!”

“You’re not alone. You have all the women beside you. Hell, they practically run this company.”

“Don’t placate me, Sebastian. You’re leaving when I need you most.”

I turned to her, grabbing her hand and pulling her to me. “If I could stay, I would. But Sniper’s team is stuck in the fucking Amazon. We’re all going down there.”

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