Page 21 of Rhodie

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“Dude, hackers use all sorts of weird ass names. Chewy’s is Tombstone,”

“Yeah, but mine makes sense.” Some of the MC brothers nod in agreement with me. I won’t tell them Wire’s online name though. I bet they all think it’s Wire. But it’s not. It’s St Margarita. I have no idea why, but it did make me laugh when I finally met the big man.

“Ok, let’s call it a night. Officers, I’ll see you in church. Tombs family, feel free to hang around as long as you like, and I’ll be in touch. Tuesday, if you could look into anything that might lead up to Rhodie’s maybe kid, that would be much appreciated. We’ll set surveillance on Kraykowski once we dump his nephew’s body and see what we can find out from our contacts, in case there’s more info out there. Right, be safe.” With that, the Prez walks off into the place where they hold church and my family decides to drain our drinks and head out. It’s been a hell of a day and I’m really keen to get onto my new task. Before I reach the door, I feel a large hand softly wrap around my arm.

“Hey, leaving without saying goodbye?” Rhodie smirks down at me.

“Oh, I thought everything was wrapped up. I didn’t know I had to personally tell you I was leaving.” I frown up at him. He lets go of my arm and rubs the back of his neck.

“I just wanted to talk to you and we have to set up a time for our date. How about tomorrow? I’ll pick you up after work. Wear jeans and boots, we’ll take my bike. That work for you?” Holy shit, this is happening fast and I haven’t even had time to Google dating etiquette. Shit. Oh well, I’ll just have to wing it.

“Um, I have a lot of work on, but I’ll be done at 5ish? Maybe you could pick me up from my house around 6. I’ll text you the directions. “ I look up at him, unsure what to do next, but off to the side, I see Rider and Wire smiling at me. They mime hugging, then hug each other. They’re telling me what to do next! My belly feels funny as I watch these big badass men hugging each other to help me out. Well, that’s before I burst into laughter because I see Marx come up behind them with a scowl and cuff both of them in the back of the head. Rhodie quickly turns around to see what’s going on behind him at the same time I launch forward for a hug and end up whacking my face right on his elbow.

“Ow shit!” “Fuck, are you OK?” we both yell at the same time. My three brothers are pissing themselves laughing whilst Pops is just shaking his head in disappointment.

“Say goodbye to Rhodie, Baby girl, before you injure yourself or anyone else more than you already have.” I watch the men in my family leave before turning back to Rhodie’s worried face.

“I’m ok. Would you believe this shit happens all the time?” I watch him roll his eyes at me before he wraps me up in his arms.

“Bye Chewy, I’ll see you tomorrow, 6 pm,”

I smile up at him and give a little wave before bouncing out the door, feeling light as air. It is weird when you think I tortured and maimed a man tonight, but oh well. Isn’t life funny?

Chapter 10


It’s 3 pm and I have no idea what the fuck I’m going to do on this date. I mean, the last time I dated was the few times I took Katya out, 18 years ago. I was at high school, so the extent of those dates was going to the movies and then the diner for a bite to eat before walking her home. God Katya, isn’t that an absolute mind fuck? The girl I dated in high school ends up having some criminals after her and I may or may not be the father of her kid. I bet it was some other guy. Has to be, we used condoms the couple of times we did it, so I’m pretty sure Kraykowski has his wires crossed.

I look at the clock and it seems I’ve been stuck in my head for half an hour already and still have no ideas. Fuck it, I’ll go ask my brother. I knock on his office door before walking straight in and dropping into the chair across from him. I notice he doesn’t even look up, just grunts at me to say what I gotta say.

“I have that date with Chewy today. But I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. Do you have any date night ideas?” I watch my brother slowly raise his head until he’s looking directly at me.

“Where the fuck do you think you are? You’re in an MC clubhouse. I’m the Prez. What the fuck do you think I know about dates? We don’t date. We fuck. How the hell should I know what you should do with your little crush? Jesus!” he grits out.

“Well, shit, you don’t have to be an asshole about it,” I grumble back at him. I mean, I could have asked one of the other brothers, but this is my big brother. I thought he’d at least know something. He lets out a long sigh while I continue to panic.

“Shit! You’re right. I don’t know anything about dating or treating a girl real nice. Fuck! I should never have asked her out, dammit! What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve turned into a pussy!”

Marx puts his pen down and gives me a thoughtful look. He opens his mouth, then closes it before squinting at me and then opening his mouth again.

“I don’t think you’re a pussy. What I think this is, is something bigger than a date. This is your version of Mom,”

“What the fuck, man! I don’t think she’s Mom!”

“No! Shit, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying she’s like what Mom was to Dad. My own shitty mother doesn’t count. I mean, that bitch cut out before I could even remember her, but Mom, your Mom, she was meant for Dad. His soul mate. I think that’s what Chewy is to you. The one meant for you.”

I sit there staring at him. Surely it’s not that serious, is it? I want to shrug off his words, but I know there is some level of truth there. Chewy is different from any other woman, hell, person I’ve ever met. No matter how long I spend with her, it never seems like enough. She is someone I not only want, but need in my life. I let out a breath.

“Yeah. I think you’re right. She’s…different. Special. She doesn’t make me feel like I’m dirty or full of darkness. After everything I’ve done, both in the military and for the MC, I thought no one would want a man like me. But Chewy, she sees who I am and likes it.” Marx nods his head before pulling two short glasses out of his desk drawer and pouring us both a whiskey.

“Right. So it’s serious. Figured as much. In that case, you need to take her somewhere she’d like and then take her out to eat. She’s kinda different from other chicks, so I’m going to suggest perhaps that axe-throwing place out on Highway 1. That seems like something she’d like.” He shrugs his shoulders and I can feel a smile splitting my face.

“You-” I point at him “are the best big brother in the world. Chewy is going to fucking love that! I’ll take her there and then to the diner. She doesn’t strike me as a fancy food type of woman.” Marx nods in agreement. I down the rest of my whiskey before standing and leaning over to drop my hand on my brother’s shoulder. “Thanks man, I needed that. We’ll name our firstborn after you.” I run out when I see him pick up his stapler, ready to throw it at me. Makes sense. His real name is shit.

Right at 5.55 pm, I’m pulling into the drive at the address Chewy gave me. There’s a nice house standing in the front part of the section, almost like a small version of a farmhouse. I followed her directions, which was to continue down the gravel drive past the main house and around the back, where I see there are four smaller cabins.

I’m about to take the path to the one with the yellow front door when I hear a gunshot ping off the back of my bike. Fuck! Kraykowski’s men must have been staking this place out! I brake fast, putting my bike down and sliding on the gravel driveway, pulling my gun from under my cut. Before I can do anything else, I look up to see Pops on the back porch with a fucking shotgun aimed in my direction. I hear pounding footsteps coming my way and I hear Gus yelling,

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