Page 11 of Rhodie

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Stepping out of the shower I feel so much better, apart from the slightly swollen jaw where Rider got the jump on me one part there. Now I feel it’s time for beer and maybe I’ll find one of the girls to give me a blowy. I lock up my room and make my way to the common room. As I pass by Wire’s “headquarters” as he calls it, I hear a feminine giggle that ends in a snort, and then a full-on belly laugh. I smile to myself before giving his door an obligatory knock and pushing it open to see who the owner of the less than melodic laugh is. I come up short and feel as though I’ve been hit in the gut when my eyes land on none other than Tuesday.

Instead of the cargo pants and oversized hoodie I last saw her in, she’s wearing what I’m guessing are her office work clothes, but with a bit of an edge. She has on a tight black dress that comes down past her knees with a split up the side, a baggy black and white cardigan and platform Doc Marten boots. It’s classy and professional and yet somehow not. Just like Tuesday. I take another moment to run my eyes over her from top to bottom and back up again. The dress leaves nothing to the imagination. Who knew that under those baggy clothes, Tuesday was hiding a large round ass and a magnificent pair of tits? My eyes land on her face once more, and I realize that my memory of her is wrong. Tuesday isn’t Girl Next Door pretty or average. She is, in fact, breathtakingly beautiful.

“Yo, big man, you get eyes for Christmas or something?” I register what she says and I take in the smirk on her face.

“Tuesday what gives us the pleasure of your visit?” I’m trying to play it cool but I can’t shake the feeling that if she’s here in Wire’s room maybe it’s him she wants, which is not sitting well with me at all.

“Wire had some stuff he wanted to run by me, so we’re colabbing on a project. The usual work stuff. How’s it hanging, anyway?” At her question I see her eyes run down my body, then linger on my cock for a moment before I hear her snort indelicately “Looks like it’s to the left big man,” Wire chuckles next to her and I get the overwhelming urge to hit him. I ignore his ass instead and ask, “How’s your side of the investigation going? Find anything out that would be of any help?”

She lets out a big sigh before looking all around Wire’s room. I’ve noticed that even though she seems slightly better at making eye contact, her eyes still seem to flit about while thinking or talking.

“So far, nothing of any substance. The only lead I have that I’m chasing down is our old neighbors. Our old neighbors got outta dodge the morning after my parents were murdered. The Voronovs. I figure surely the surname alone may mean they could have some type of connection to Kraykowski.” I furrow my brows,

“Did you just say Voronov?” Her eyes dart directly to my face.

“Yeah, Kaz and Kaya Voronov. They lived next door to us when I was a kid. Not long before this whole thing went down, I remember seeing them argue. What do you know?”

“Not them as such, but there was a girl at school that I dated a few times, Katya Voronov. Wasn’t ever serious enough to meet her parents or anything, so not sure if there’s a link there or not.” By the time I finish speaking, I notice Tuesday has commandeered one side of Wire’s desk and is tapping away at a keyboard. I take a second to study her, the way she’s sitting at the desk, face in a frown as she concentrates, her citrus scent wraps itself around me and I breathe her in.

“I don’t ever remember there being another person living in the house with them, I only ever remember them, BUT there is no way that with all this-” she waves her hand in a circle above her head, before accidentally hitting it on Wires desk light. “-Dammit! Ugh, as I was saying, there is no way that this is all some hinky coincidence. There’s no way.” She continues typing for a bit and I look to Wire for help. He seems mesmerized by what she’s doing and seeing as neither of these geeks wants to explain anything, I figure I’ll sit down and wait them out. It’s not like I’ve never seen Wire like this before, it’s just funny that this type of weird ass behavior is apparently par for the course if you’re a computer person. Before I can settle into the chair too much, Tuesday triumphantly hits a button and a large yearbook picture of Katya comes up on the big screen behind her.

“This her?” I take in the blonde girl on the screen and her shy smile. I remember the first time I saw her; she turned up at the start of the school year and was incredibly quiet. We got paired up in some biology class and I found her to be sweet, if a little quiet. I immediately liked her, not to mention I thought she was hot as hell. We went out on a couple of dates, and I noticed then that she didn’t have many friends or anything. She never really fit in. So I took to eating lunch with her.

“Yeah, that’s her. Sweet girl, we went out a couple of times and spent a lot of time together throughout the school year. Even went to prom with each other” “

“Oh re-he-heeeeeeallly? Tell me more, big man.” I see Wire grinning like the Cheshire cat bastard he is whilst Tuesday is sitting with her legs up on the desk, wiggling her eyebrows at me. Fuck, I didn’t want to have to tell anyone this, mainly because it’s private, but then again I’m in an MC and have seen almost all of my brothers fucking at least once.

“Fine, we lost our virginity together, happy?” I scowl at both of them, Tuesday clapping excitedly and Wire still sitting there with a gleam in his eye. I clear my throat. “Anyway, you dicks, she left town not long after and I shipped off. Never saw or heard from her again.” Tuesday is still sitting with her feet up, but now she’s stroking her chin, like an imaginary beard. She’s such a weird little chick and yet she’s been all I could think about this week. I can see something working behind her eyes. Whatever it is, she’s not ready to share just yet.

“Ok, so let’s assume that the link between Tuesday’s parents and Kraykowski, and you and Kraykowski, is the Voronovs. First, we need to establish how Katya Voronov is related to Kaz and Kaya. l mean, they could be no relation at all, however it seems pretty fucking unlikely,” Wire taps away at his keyboard “Ok, so by the looks of it Katya came to the US with her Aunt and Uncle, wait for it, Kaz and Kaya.”

I look at Tuesday and instead of looking jubilant, she’s as white as a ghost, which is surprising given her tanned skin. She’s sitting stock still. Nothing is moving on her, which from the few interactions I’ve had with her, seems unusual.

“Yo, Tuesday, are you all good?” Wire reaches out to lay a hand on her and she doesn’t take any notice whatsoever “Fuck, I don’t know what’s happening dude, she looks catatonic. Her brother brought her here. He’s in with Prez. Better go get him.” Wire barks out. I really don’t want to leave, yet again I’m drawn to protecting her, but I don’t know what the fuck is happening, so I hustle my ass to the common room where I see August leaning in talking to Marx.

“August! Something’s going on with Tuesday.” His head whips up, and he is running toward me full steam ahead. Fucker is fast for a big man. We barge into Wire’s room and Tuesday is still there, unchanged.

“Fuck! She had a shutdown. She hasn’t done this since after Mom and Dad died. What was happening in the room before this?” Whilst he’s talking, I watch and he bundles her up off the chair and squeezes her tightly in his arms. He stands there holding her, looking around the room, for what I’m not sure. I reach out and place my hand firmly on his shoulder, waiting until his eyes meet mine. “What do you need?” He takes a deep breath,

“She does this if she’s become either sensory or emotionally overwhelmed. She’s like a gaming console that overheats. Her brain just shuts down, and she needs time to reboot. We need a small space, closet, cupboard, anywhere small and cozy, doesn’t matter if it’s dark or not.” Before I can think, Wire is up across the room pulling shit out of the bottom of his closet. August nods at him before squatting down and gently placing Tuesday’s curled-up form on the floor.

“She likes weight on her, do you have something I can place on her?” he looks up at me, and even though this man often has the air of total control about him, when it comes to his sister I can see that she is his heart. I look down and realize the heavy leather of my cut might work, so I take it off my shoulders and gently lay it over her. I hear her take a deep breath and I see her fingers start to tap against each other. August gently kisses her head before standing and looking at me and Wire,

“Um, thanks, man. I’m sorry about that. She hasn’t done that in a long time. Fuck. Something must have set her off. What was going on before she shut down?” I want to answer him, I do, but I have to admit I’m still a little shaken. I look at Wire, but he seems the same. This is our second interaction with her and she’s hard not to like. I take a deep breath and then I feel a hand land on my shoulder. I turn and see my brother, Marx. He gives me a tight smile and a nod.

“Right. Wire had just found out the connection between all of us. I dated a girl called Katya Voronov at school. Kaz and Katya were her aunt and uncle, and your neighbors. "

August breathes out “Shit, that’s the connection, I thought-”

“Alan wasn’t the only one there that night.“

Chapter 6


“Alan wasn’t the only one there that night” I watch as all the giant sized men swing their heads towards me. I figure I must have had a bit of a shutdown, because the last thing I remember is sitting in Wire’s spare chair only to then find myself breathing in the scent of Rhodie, leather, spicy and clean.

I take in my surroundings and see I’m on the floor of a nice closet. I’ll have to remember this place. Love a good closet when I’m overwhelmed. August must have put me in here. I should feel ashamed that as an independent woman my big brother had to come and help me out, but there’s little I can do when my brain decides it has had too much. The best I can do is shut off my emotions and think rationally about what’s going on. I move to get up and Rhodie’s big hand reaches out towards me. Taking it, I look up at him, expecting to see pity, but it just looks like he was worried about me. That makes my tummy feel a way. Not sure what.

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